A small R package to make blobbograms for NMR biomarker associations

An R package to plot, in a one- or two-column forestplot layout, associations of epidemiological analysis on NMR metabolomics biomarker data. The associations may be linear (linear regression), odds ratios (logistic regression) or hazard ratios (e.g. Cox Proportional hazards).


Install and Usage

R CMD INSTALL forestplot

(Mind that the name of the package directory may be in principle different than forestplot or forestplotNMR. E.g., if you downloaded the repository it may be forestplot-master. Substitute above accordingly.)

The demos subdirectory contains a tutorial in both html and pdf format that will get you started.

Directory Layout


mariakalimeri/forestplot documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:08 p.m.