  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


This vignette explains how to use the functions:

For some functions there are multiple variants of the same function using varying frameworks. They give the same results but will differ in execution time and memory use:

Recommended Workflows

Calculate follow-up times {#wf-calc-fu}

It is recommended to run the following steps in the correct order to obtain accurate follow-up time calculations

  1. Use the long version dataset

  2. Filter all cases in the long version of the dataset that are relevant for your analysis. Make sure that:

  3. for each case_id the index event (e.g. First Cancer FC) is still included and is the one remaining row in the dataset with the smallest case_id (TUMID3 variable for ZfKD data, and SEQ_NUM for SEER data)

  4. all case_ids might or might not get a countable incident event (e.g. Second Primary Cancer SPC). This event should be the second entry per case_id (second smallest case_id) if it is to be counted
  5. in the long version dataset a count_var should indicate whether the countable incident event (SPC) has occurred or not. Coded 0 for non-occurrence (or not counted event) and 1 for a counted incident event.

  6. Renumber filtered long dataset: In the filter long dataset, you should run the helper function msSPChelpR::renumber_time_id_dt() (or non-data.table variant msSPChelpR::renumber_time_id()) that will renumber all events per case_id and (if step 1 is fulfilled) will assign each index event with time_var_new = 1 and each second (possibly countable incident event) with time_var_new = 2. Any SIR related function will only count the second event, if additionally to time_var_new = 2 for this row also count_var = 1 is true.

  7. Reshape dataset: Run msSPChelpR::reshape_wide_dt() or non-data.table-variant msSPChelpR::reshape_wide(), so that dataset is transposed to wide format (1 row per case_id, creating variables such as count_var.2).

  8. Set flag for Second Primary Cancer diagnosis: After filtering and reshaping it is essential to set p_spc again. This variable will be used by later steps of the analysis.

  9. Determine patient status at a defined end of follow-up by using the msSPChelpR::pat_status() function. This date for end of follow-up must:

  10. be in "YYYY-MM-DD" format and is always defined via the fu_end = parameter
  11. must precede the end of data collection. E.g. if the last incident events for the dataset you are using are collected at the end of 2014, your fu_end must be fu_end = "2014-12-15" or earlier.

  12. Based on the newly calculated patient status, you might want to exclude cases for which patient status cannot be determined

  13. Calculate follow-up time for the same dataset by using the msSPChelpR::calc_futime() function and the same fu_end as for step 6. By standard all functions of the msSPChelpR package require follow-up times as numeric years.

Calculate Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIR)

In order to calculate SIR using the package functions, the following data structure is needed: * Wide format data wide_df with one row per patient that has encountered the index event (i.e. diagnosed with a first primary cancer FC)

If your data has the required structure, you can calculate and summarize SIRs with the following two steps:

  1. Calculate SIR per SPC diagnosis with age, sex, region, period-specific strata using the msSPChelpR::sir_byfutime() function. For this calculation usually a reference dataset is required that defines the population standard rates. refrates_df must use the same category coding of age, sex, region, year and cancer_site as agegroup_var, sex_var, region_var, year_var and site_var
  2. The theory behind calculating stratified SIRs is explained in the chapter on basics on SIRs

  3. Summarize SIR results using the msSPChelpR::summarize_sir_results() function on the stratified sir results produced by the previous step.

Theory behind SIRs {#theo-sir}

In the next version of this vignette the theoretical considerations how SIRs are calculated will be explained in this chapter.


SEER lung cancer

Step 1 - Long dataset {#step-long}

#Load synthetic dataset of patients with cancer to demonstrate package functions

#This dataset is in long format, so each tumor is a separate row in the data

Step 2 - Filter long dataset {#step-filter}

#filter for lung cancer
ids <- us_second_cancer %>%
  #detect ids with any lung cancer
  filter(t_site_icd == "C34") %>%
  select(fake_id) %>%
  as.vector() %>%
  unname() %>%

filtered_usdata <- us_second_cancer %>%
  #filter according to above detected ids with any lung cancer diagnosis
  filter(fake_id %in% ids) %>%


Step 3 - Renumber time_id {#step-renumber}

renumbered_usdata <- filtered_usdata %>%
  renumber_time_id(new_time_id_var = "t_tumid", 
                   dattype = "seer",
                   case_id_var = "fake_id")

renumbered_usdata %>%
   select(fake_id, sex, t_site_icd, t_datediag, t_tumid)

Step 4 - Reshape to wide dataset {#step-reshape-wide}

usdata_wide <- renumbered_usdata %>%
  reshape_wide_tidyr(case_id_var = "fake_id", time_id_var = "t_tumid", timevar_max = 10)

#now the data is in the wide format as required by many package functions. 
#This means, each case is a row and several tumors per case ID are 
#add new columns to the data using the time_id as column name suffix.

Step 5 - Recalculate p_spc {#step-spc}

usdata_wide <- usdata_wide %>%
  dplyr::mutate(p_spc = dplyr::case_when(   ~ "No SPC",
                         !           ~ "SPC developed",
                         TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
  #create the same information as numeric variable count_spc
  dplyr::mutate(count_spc = dplyr::case_when(   ~ 1,
                            TRUE ~ 0))
usdata_wide %>%
   dplyr::select(fake_id, sex.1, p_spc, count_spc, t_site_icd.1, 
                 t_datediag.1, t_site_icd.2, t_datediag.2)

Step 6 - Determine patient status at end of FU {#step-pat-status}

usdata_wide <- usdata_wide %>%
  pat_status(., fu_end = "2017-12-31", dattype = "seer",
             status_var = "p_status", life_var = "p_alive.1",
             spc_var = "p_spc", birthdat_var = "datebirth.1",
             lifedat_var = "datedeath.1", fcdat_var = "t_datediag.1",
             spcdat_var = "t_datediag.2", life_stat_alive = "Alive",
             life_stat_dead = "Dead", spc_stat_yes = "SPC developed",
             spc_stat_no = "No SPC", lifedat_fu_end = "2019-12-31",
             use_lifedatmin = FALSE, check = TRUE, 
             as_labelled_factor = TRUE)

usdata_wide %>%
   dplyr::select(fake_id, p_status, p_alive.1, datedeath.1, t_site_icd.1, t_datediag.1, 
                 t_site_icd.2, t_datediag.2)

#alternatively, you can impute the date of death using lifedatmin_var
usdata_wide %>%
  pat_status(., fu_end = "2017-12-31", dattype = "seer",
             status_var = "p_status", life_var = "p_alive.1",
             spc_var = "p_spc", birthdat_var = "datebirth.1",
             lifedat_var = "datedeath.1", fcdat_var = "t_datediag.1",
             spcdat_var = "t_datediag.2", life_stat_alive = "Alive",
             life_stat_dead = "Dead", spc_stat_yes = "SPC developed",
             spc_stat_no = "No SPC", lifedat_fu_end = "2019-12-31",
             use_lifedatmin = TRUE, lifedatmin_var = "p_dodmin.1", 
             check = TRUE, as_labelled_factor = TRUE)

Step 6b - Remove patients irrelevant to analysis depending on status {#step-filter-pat-status}

usdata_wide <- usdata_wide %>%
  dplyr::filter(!p_status %in% c("NA - Patient not born before end of FU",
                                 "NA - Patient did not develop cancer before end of FU",
                                 "NA - Patient date of death is missing"))

usdata_wide %>%

Step 7 - Calculate FU time {#step-calc-futime}

usdata_wide <- usdata_wide %>%
   calc_futime(., futime_var_new = "p_futimeyrs", fu_end = "2017-12-31",
               dattype = "seer", time_unit = "years", 
               lifedat_var = "datedeath.1", 
               fcdat_var = "t_datediag.1", spcdat_var = "t_datediag.2")

usdata_wide %>%
   dplyr::select(fake_id, p_status, p_futimeyrs, p_alive.1, datedeath.1, t_datediag.1, t_datediag.2)

Step 8 - Calculate SIR {#step-sir-byfutime}

sircalc_results <- usdata_wide %>%
    dattype = "seer",
    ybreak_vars = c("race.1", "t_dco.1"),
    xbreak_var = "none",
    futime_breaks = c(0, 1/12, 2/12, 1, 5, 10, Inf),
    count_var = "count_spc",
    refrates_df = us_refrates_icd2,
    calc_total_row = TRUE,
    calc_total_fu = TRUE,
    region_var = "registry.1",
    age_var = "fc_agegroup.1",
    sex_var = "sex.1",
    year_var = "t_yeardiag.1",
    race_var = "race.1",
    site_var = "t_site_icd.1", #using grouping by second cancer incidence
    futime_var = "p_futimeyrs",
    alpha = 0.05)

sircalc_results %>% print(n = 100)

Step 9 - Summarize SIR results {#step-summarize-sir}

#The summarize function is versatile. Here for example the summary with minimal output

sircalc_results %>%
  #summarize results across region, age, year and t_site
                        summarize_groups = c("region", "age", "year", "race"),
                        summarize_site = TRUE,
                        output = "long",  output_information = "minimal",
                        add_total_row = "only",  add_total_fu = "no",
                        collapse_ci = FALSE,  shorten_total_cols = TRUE,
                        fubreak_var_name = "fu_time", ybreak_var_name = "yvar_name",
                        xbreak_var_name = "none", site_var_name = "t_site",
                        alpha = 0.05
                        ) %>%
  dplyr::select(-region, -age, -year, -race, -sex, -yvar_name)

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marianschmidt/msSPChelpR documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 6:45 a.m.