
To-do list

Issue: Different coefficient estimates

gt1 <- gamtree(Pn ~ s(PAR) | Species, data = eco, verbose = FALSE, 
               cluster = eco$specimen)
gt2 <- gamtree(Pn ~ s(PAR) | noise + s(cluster_id, bs="re") | Species,
               data = eco, verbose = FALSE, cluster = eco$specimen)

The estimated coefficients from the final tree use the predictions based on global effects from the full GAM from the second-to-last iteration:

##   (Intercept)   s(PAR).1  s(PAR).2  s(PAR).3  s(PAR).4  s(PAR).5   s(PAR).6
## 2    3.700746  -4.229937 -8.925765 -6.419708 -3.123013  4.133930 9.13784734
## 4    4.710368  -3.992768 -9.397897 -7.868900 -3.059983 -1.058191 5.48472474
## 5    5.285132 -10.109006 23.118991 14.836167 41.452806 55.693627 0.02877788
##     s(PAR).7   s(PAR).8 s(PAR).9
## 2   1.107162   6.000138 12.78004
## 4   2.962870   7.508345 11.30423
## 5 -11.010620 -49.776075 44.36823
##   (Intercept)   s(PAR).1   s(PAR).2   s(PAR).3   s(PAR).4  s(PAR).5  s(PAR).6
## 2    3.680405  -4.450707  -9.273774  -6.890283 -2.9187555 -3.301982  9.802856
## 4    4.875050   3.700263 -12.796646 -11.071199 -0.6819658 -2.496246  7.689810
## 5    5.196168 -10.773631  18.830462  10.236554 21.7896631  5.485991 29.524685
##       s(PAR).7   s(PAR).8 s(PAR).9
## 2 -0.007723617   6.302115 12.59880
## 4 -7.066515961  12.101445 15.78517
## 5 51.559591044 -44.310344 41.96981

The ‘severity’ of the differences between the estimated coefficients is difficult to judge. If we look at the plotted partial effects of the smooth terms, we see very similar, but not identical effects.

The partial effects as estimated in the tree nodes:

plot(gt2, which = "nodes", gamplot_ctrl = list(residuals = TRUE, ylim = c(-3.8, 4.2)))
## Warning in plot.gamtree(gt2, which = "nodes", gamplot_ctrl = list(residuals =
## TRUE, : Argument which should specify one of 'tree', 'terms' or 'both'

The partial effects as estimated in the full model:

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(gt2$gamm, residuals = TRUE, ylim = c(-3.8, 4.2))

We can also compare the predicted values:

newdat <- eco
newdat$x <- newdat$PAR
preds <- data.frame(gam = predict(gt2$gamm),
                    tree = predict(gt2$tree, newdata = newdat, 
                                   type = "response"))
##            gam      tree
## gam  1.0000000 0.9981619
## tree 0.9981619 1.0000000
##      gam     tree 
## 4.130796 4.134305
sapply(preds, var)
##      gam     tree 
## 1.748725 1.747762
sapply(preds, max)
##      gam     tree 
## 7.501499 7.274412
sapply(preds, min)
##      gam     tree 
## 1.135808 1.255259
cols <- c(rep("white", times = 2), "yellow", "orange", "white", 
          "purple", "blue") 

The predicted values are very similar, but not identical.

The differences are likely due to the different ways of estimating a smooth with the by argument specified (which is used for estimating the full GAM), and estimating separate smooths in each subgroup (which is done in estimating the partition with local GAMs). The scale and smoothing parameters differ between these two approaches:

Smoothing and scale parameters for the full GAM:

## s(PAR):.tree2 s(PAR):.tree4 s(PAR):.tree5 s(cluster_id) 
##  2.772777e-03  3.548033e-03  1.357165e-04  6.748856e+01
## [1] TRUE

For the GAMs in the terminal nodes, we obtain different values for the smoothing parameters:

##      s(PAR) 
## 0.003401764
##      s(PAR) 
## 0.001136981
##       s(PAR) 
## 0.0001236358

This is probably due to a separate scale parameter being estimated in each node, instead of a single global one in the full GAM:

## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE

marjoleinF/gamtree documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 5:46 a.m.