Man pages for markheckmann/mat2tex
Tools to combine R matrices and LaTeX code for use with knitr or sweave

add_whitespaces_to_seperate_chunksAdd whitespace after single tex chunk.
as.texcodeConvert to 'texcode' object.
grapes-_-grapes.RdOperators to allow for easy combination of texcode objects
is.texcodeCheck if object is a 'texcode' object.
latexcode_bordermatrixCreate LaTeX code for bordermatrix.
latexcode_matrixCreate LaTeX code for several matrix types defined in the...
lbConvenience function for linebreak, i.e. '\\'.
lexInject LaTeX code. Converts LaTeX code into texcode object.
mat2tex_optionsget and set mat2tex default options
mat2tex-packageTools to combine R and LaTeX code for use with knitr or...
mbConvenience function for '\mathbf{}'
Ops.texcodeOverloading "+" and "%%" operator to allow for easy...
parenthesis.RdLeft and right parenthesis
print.texcodePrint method for objects of class 'texcode'.
sInsert horizontal spaces in formula
xbeBegin or end LaTeX math environment.
xcInject LaTeX code. Converts LaTeX code into texcode object.
xmConvert a matrix to LaTeX code.
xxConcatenate 'texcode' chunks.
markheckmann/mat2tex documentation built on July 29, 2023, 7:45 p.m.