Man pages for markwh/rcmodel
Calibrate and Validate Rating Curves for Riverine Load Estimation

adryCalculate antecedent dry days
as.gamConvert an rcgam to a gam Useful for applying gam-specific...
calcLoadCalculate mass flux from concentration and flow
convertUnitsWrapper for ud.convert that accepts vector inputs and...
crossvalidateCross-validation of regression models
crossvalidate.rcgamCrossvalidation for rcgam models
discountdiscount factor described in Wang et al., 2011
gcvGeneralized Crossvalidation score Following Wood (2006), p....
getDataGet data from lm objects
getData.rcgamGet data from rcgam or rclm objects
getData.rclmGet data from rcgam or rclm objects
ggTermPlotggplot2 implementation of termplot with partial residuals,...
hatvalues.gamDiagonals of GAM influence matrix
jsecobtain "julian seconds" (number of seconds since start of the...
loadest_calCalibrate a model or series of models using LOADEST built-in...
loadest.formLOADEST formulae
loadest_predMake predictions a la LOADEST
loadTSCalculate loads from concentration and flow
maemean absolute error
makeModelDataMake model data from "raw" data
makePredDataMake prediction data from "raw" data
makeRawDataMake raw data frame from a rcData object
makeSyntheticCohnMake a synthetic linear dataset Based on description of Monte...
makeSyntheticDatagenerate synthetic flow-wq dataset
NSENash-sutcliffe efficiency for concentration and load
ocvOrdinary Crossvalidation score Following Wood (2006), p. 174
predict.rcgamPredict method for rcgam model objects
predict.rclmPredict method for rclm fits
Q2Leave-one-out coefficient of determination Similar to R2, but...
R2coefficient of determination
R2.defaultDefault S3 method for coefficient of determination
R2.gamCoefficient of dermination for gam objects Optionally gives...
R2.lmCoefficient of dermination for lm objects Optionally gives...
rcgamRating-curve generalized additive model
rclmLinear Rating-curve model
sharmCompute seasonal harmonic functions
splitSampleTestConduct a differential split sample test on a regression...
ssesum of squared errors
totLoadCalculate total load from a time series of estimated loads
transfTransform data in a systematic way
transf.DateObtain functions to transform Date object to and from scaled...
tss_looleave-one-out sum of squares useful for calculating Q2
validateUnitsreplacement function for commonly given, but "improper"...
markwh/rcmodel documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:26 p.m.