Man pages for martindurocher/floodStat
FloodNet Regional Frequency Analysis

adGpaTableAnderson-Darling (AD) test for the Generalized Pareto...
canFloodL-moments and catchment descriptors of hydrometric station in...
dAmaxBasic probability functions for annual maxima
DataWideTransform streamflow data to wide format
DispIndexDispersion index
DistSeasonDistance in seasonal space
ExtractAmaxExtracts the Annual maxima of a daily time series
fgpaEstimation of the Generalized pareto distribution.
FitAmaxAt-site frequency analysis using annual maxima
FitGevFit Generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution
FitPotPeak over threshold (POT)
FitRoiPrediction at ungauged sites using region of influence and...
flowAtlanticAnnual maximums from the Atlantic region of Canada
flowStJohnStreamflow data
GofTestGoodness-of-fit test
GPAGeneralized Pareto distribution (GPA)
interp2dInterpolation of a table
IntersiteModeling intersite correlation
JulianPlotScatter Plot on the unit polar space
LdiagL-moment ratio diagram
lminLocal extremums
MKendallMann-Kendall test for trend using block bootstrap
plot.amaxReturn level plot
PlotMrlDiagnostic tools for peaks over threshold analysis
PoolGroupFitting a index-flood model on a pooling groups
PoolRemoveRemove heterogenous sites from pooling groups
predict.amaxPredict return levels
predict.poolgrpFlood quantiles estimated at the target of a pooling group
RegSimSimulation of a regional dataset with intersite correlation.
SeasonStatSeasonal statistics for flood peaks
which.floodPeaksExtracting peaks
martindurocher/floodStat documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:42 a.m.