We start by loading in the powopt package from GitHub and set a seed because we'll be doing some random number generation.


Using powThresh

The powThresh function takes the arguments z, lambda $> 0$ and q $> 0$ and returns the solution to the following scalar optimization problem:

$$ \text{minimize}_\beta\frac{1}{2}\left(\beta - z\right)^2 + \lambda \left|\beta\right|^q. $$

We can use powThresh to replicate the second panel of Figure 2 of Mazumder, Friedman and Hastie (2011),^[Mazumder, Rahul, Jerome H. Friedman, and Trevor Hastie. "Sparsenet: Coordinate descent with nonconvex penalties." Journal of the American Statistical Association 106.495 (2011): 1125-1138.] which plots values of the threshold function computed by powThresh over a range of $z$ for $\lambda = 1$ for several values of $q$.

qs <- c(0.001, 0.3, 0.7, 1)
zs <- seq(0, 3, by = 0.001)
plot(zs, powThresh(zs, lambda = 1, q = qs[1]), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 3),
     main = "Threshold Functions", xlab = expression(beta), ylab = "")
for (i in 2:4) {
  lines(zs, powThresh(zs, lambda = 1, q = qs[i]), lty = i, col = i)
legend("topleft", col = 1:4, lty = 1:4, legend = qs, cex = 0.75)

This plot is isn't very interpretable if we recall that a penalty can be interpreted as a distribution for $\beta$. Specifically, we can interpret a power penalty of the form $\lambda\left|\beta\right|^q$ as a generalized normal distribution for $\beta$ with variance $\Gamma\left(3/q\right)\lambda^{-2/q}/\Gamma\left(1/q\right)$. This means that in the previous plot, we are comparing the optimal values of $\beta$ prior distributions with different variances and different penalty powers.

Another more interpretable plot we can make using powThresh compares threshold functions for values of $q$ that hold the variance of the distribution of elements of $\beta$ constant at $1$ by setting $\lambda = \left(\Gamma\left(1/q\right)/\Gamma\left(3/q\right)\right)^{-q/2}$ for each value of $q$.

qs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.25, 2, 3)
sigma.sq.beta <- 1
zs <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.001)
plot(zs, powThresh(zs, lambda = (sigma.sq.beta*gamma(1/qs[1])/gamma(3/qs[1]))^(-qs[1]/2), q = qs[1]), type = "l",
     xlab = "z", ylab = expression(beta))
for (i in 2:length(qs)) {
  q <- qs[i]
  lines(zs, powThresh(zs, lambda = (sigma.sq.beta*gamma(1/q)/gamma(3/q))^(-q/2), q = q), lty = i, col = i)
legend("topleft", legend = qs, col = 1:length(qs), lty = 1:length(qs), cex = 0.75)

Understanding What powThresh Does

When $q \leq 1$, the solution is computed using the method described in Marjanovic and Solo (2014).^[Marjanovic, Goran, and Victor Solo. "$l_{q}$ Sparsity Penalized Linear Regression With Cyclic Descent." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62.6 (2014): 1464-1475.] When $q > 1$, the solution is computed as follows. Like in Marjanovic and Solo (2014), we assume that the optimal value of $\gamma$ will have the same sign as $z$. This allows us to reduce the original problem to the simpler problem: $$ \text{minimize}_{\gamma > 0}\frac{1}{2}\left(\gamma - \left|z\right|\right)^2 + \lambda \gamma^q. $$ The optimal $\gamma$ solves: $$ \gamma + \lambda q \gamma^{q - 1} = \left|z\right|. $$ $\gamma + \lambda q \gamma^{q - 1}$ is monotonically increasing for $\gamma > 0$. Accordingly, we can find the optimal value of $\gamma$ by bisection. Because $\gamma + \lambda q \gamma^{q - 1} \geq 0$ and $\gamma + \lambda q \gamma^{q - 1} \geq \gamma$ for all $\gamma \geq 0$, we can be sure that the optimal value of $\gamma$ is in the interval $\left[0,\left|z\right|\right]$. Taking $l^{\left(0\right)} = 0$, $u^{\left(0\right)} = \left|z\right|$ and $\gamma^{\left(0\right)} = l^{\left(0\right)} + \left(u^{\left(0\right)} - l^{\left(0\right)}\right)/2$ and setting $k = 0$, the bisection algorithm is as follows:

Using powCD

Generally, we won't be using powThresh on its own, rather we'll be using it as part of a coordinate descent algorithm that solves a penalized regression problem. powCD implements coordinate descent, using powThresh, to solve the following optimization problem over a $p \times 1$ vector $\boldsymbol \beta$: $$ \text{minimize}_{\boldsymbol \beta}\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\left|\left|\boldsymbol y - \boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta\right|\right|^2_2 + \lambda \left|\left|\boldsymbol \beta\right|\right|_q^q. $$

We can try it out on some simulated data, using an orthogonal design matrix $\boldsymbol X$ to start and setting $\lambda$ given $q = 2$ to ensure that the variance implied by the penalty is equal to $1$, the true variance of our simulated elements of $\boldsymbol \beta$. We use the default specifications of the arguments of powCD; they should be sufficient when $\boldsymbol X$ is orthogonal. As a sanity check, we compare our estimates to the closed form solution that is available when $q = 2$ (the ridge regression solution).

n <- 5
p <- 3
X <- svd(matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p))$u
beta <- rnorm(p)
y <- X%*%beta + rnorm(n)
q <-  2
lambda <- (gamma(1/q)/gamma(3/q))^(-q/2) 
fit <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambda, q = q)
plot(fit, solve(crossprod(X) + diag(p))%*%crossprod(X, y), xlab = "Coordinate Descent", ylab = "Closed Form",
     main = expression(paste("Estimate of ", beta, sep = "")))
abline(a = 0, b = 1)

Using the same data but setting $q = 1000$ and resetting $\lambda$ given $q = 1000$ to ensure that the variance implied by the penalty is still equal to $1$, we use powCD again with the default specifications. For such large $q$ but the same variance, our estimates should be converging to the unpenalized OLS estimates. We compare our coordinate descent estimates to the closed form OLS solution and see that they are in fact quite similar, as we would hope.

q <-  1000
lambda <- (gamma(1/q)/gamma(3/q))^(-q/2) 
fit <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambda, q = q)
plot(fit, solve(crossprod(X))%*%crossprod(X, y), xlab = "Coordinate Descent", ylab = "Closed Form",
     main = expression(paste("Estimate of ", beta, sep = "")))
abline(a = 0, b = 1)

As a last example with an orthogonal $\boldsymbol X$ matrix, we'll plot solution paths for $q = 1$ and $q = 0.5$ over different values of $\lambda$.

qs <-  c(1, 0.5)
lambdas <- seq(0.1, 4, length.out = 100)
fits <- array(dim = c(p, length(lambdas), length(qs)))
for (i in 1:length(lambdas)) {
  for (j in 1:length(qs)) {
    fits[, i, j] <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambdas[i], q = qs[j])
for (j in 1:length(qs)) { 
  plot(log(lambdas), fits[1, , j], 
       ylim = range(fits), type = "l", 
       xlab = expression(paste("log(", lambda, ")", sep = "")), 
       ylab = expression(beta), main = paste("q=", q, "\n"))
  for (i in 2:p) {
    lines(log(lambdas), fits[i, , j], col = i)
legend("topleft", c(expression(beta[1]),
                        expression(beta[3])), col = 1:3, lty = 1, cex = 0.75)

In these four examples, we used the default specifications of powCD. However, we can adjust various aspects of the coordinate descent algorithm as follows:

The last point is worth demonstrating with an example. Let's simulate some new data with a non-orthogonal $\boldsymbol X$ and fit the penalized regression problem with $q = 0.5$ and $\lambda = \left(\Gamma\left(2\right)/\Gamma\left(6\right)\right)^{-1/4}$.

n <- 10
p <- 8
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- rnorm(p)
y <- X%*%beta + rnorm(n)
q <- 0.5
lambda <- (gamma(1/q)/gamma(3/q))^(-q/2) 
fit1 <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambda, q = q, rand.restart = 1)
fit2 <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambda, q = q, rand.restart = 1)
plot(fit1, fit2, xlab = "Coordinate Descent 1", ylab = "Coordinate Descent 2",
     main = expression(paste("Estimate of ", beta, sep = "")))
abline(a = 0, b = 1)

We see that despite $\boldsymbol X$ being full rank, we do not get convergence to the global minimum for this value of $\boldsymbol X$. In cases like this, we might be able to get to the value of $\boldsymbol \beta$ that yields the global minimum by using many random restarts. However, it may not be clear how many random restarts to use. We consider solutions obtained using $K_k = 1, \dots, 10$ random restarts. Letting $\hat{\boldsymbol \beta}^{\left(k\right)}$ be the estimate of $\boldsymbol \beta$ obtained from using $K_k$ random restarts, we plot $\left(K_k, \left|\left|\hat{\boldsymbol \beta}^{\left(k\right)} - \hat{\boldsymbol \beta}^{\left(k - 1\right)}\right|\right|^2_2/p\right)$ for $K_k = 2,\dots, 10$.

n <- 10
p <- 8
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- rnorm(p)
y <- X%*%beta + rnorm(n)
q <- 0.5
lambda <- (gamma(1/q)/gamma(3/q))^(-q/2) 
rand.restarts <- seq(1, 10, by = 1)
fits <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = length(rand.restarts)) 
diff <- numeric(length(rand.restarts) - 1)
for (i in 1:length(rand.restarts)) {
  fits[, i] <- powCD(X = X, y = y, sigma.sq = 1, lambda = lambda, q = q, rand.restart = rand.restarts[i])
  if (i > 1) {
    diff[i - 1] <- mean((fits[, i] - fits[, i - 1])^2)
     diff, xlab = "# Random Restarts", ylab = "MSE Compared to Previous Estimate")

It looks like using 10 random restarts is probably more than enough, although in these situations we can never be sure we've reached the global minimum.

maryclare/powopt documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 6:05 p.m.