
## Author: Mathew Roy
## Updated on: February 10, 2020
## With help from sources acknowledged below

# Rename to global.R prior to deployment
# Source: Modified from Hadley's github-oauth example script

if (interactive()) {
  options(shiny.port = 9999)
  APP_URL <- ""
} else {
  APP_URL <- ""

my_client_id <- ""
my_secret <- ""

app <- httr::oauth_app(appname = "Month-to-day spending tracker app for YNAB",
                       key = my_client_id,
                       secret = my_secret,
                       redirect_uri = ""

api <- httr::oauth_endpoint(request = NULL, 
                            authorize = paste0(""),
                            access = paste0(""))

scope <- "read-only"

has_auth_code <- function(params) {
mathewroy/ynabr documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 2:40 a.m.