
Installation Notes

Installing sumrep

Installing annotation/simulation tools (optional)

Installing partis

NOTE: this needs to be the path to the actual partis executable, and not the parent folder, which is also named partis.

Installing IgBlast + Change-O

Installing IGoR and pygor

pip install ./pygor

in IGoR's root directory. To get this working, you may or may not need to install conda (if you haven't already), and create an environment as so:

conda create -n "pygor" python=3 pandas biopython matplotlib numpy scipy

Then, anytime you wish to run getIgorAnnotations you must execute the command

source activate pygor

beforehand (i.e., before running R). When you're finished, run

source deactivate

to exit the custom-made pygor Python environment. This is particuarly important if you are using other conda environments with sumrep, such as for partis.

Finally, you will need to an environmental variable SUMREP_PATH specifying the parent sumrep folder (e.g. export SUMREP_PATH="/path/to/sumrep/"), as well as an environmental variable PYGOR_PATH specifying the pygor directory (e.g., export PYGOR_PATH="/path/to/IGoR/pygor"). You can add the above lines to your .bash_profile if you wish, and may need to resource this file or reset the terminal.

matsengrp/sumrep documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 4:09 p.m.