#' Extract unstabilized propensity score weights for `iptw` fits
#' Extracts propensity score weights from an `iptw` or `mniptw` object.
#' Weights are the reciprocal of the product of the probability of receiving
#' the treatment received.
#' @param x An `iptw` or `mniptw` object.
#' @param stop.method The twop method used for the fit of interest.
#' @param withSampW Returns weights with sample weights multiplied in, if they were
#' provided in the original `iptw` call. Default: `TRUE`.
#' @return Returns a data.frame of weights.
#' @seealso [iptw]
#' @export
get.weights.unstab <- function(x, stop.method = NULL, withSampW = TRUE){
if(!((class(x)[1] == "iptw") | class(x)[1] == "mniptw")) stop("\"get.weights.unstab\" is only defined for iptw objects.")
if(class(x)[1] == "iptw"){
prodWt <- rep(1, length(x$psList[[1]]$treat))
for(i in 1:length(x$psList)){
hdWt <- x$psList[[i]]$ps * x$psList[[i]]$treat + (1-x$psList[[i]]$ps) * (1-x$psList[[i]]$treat)
prodWt <- hdWt * prodWt
if(class(x)[1] == "mniptw"){
denom <- 1/get.weights(x$psList[[1]], stop.method = stop.method, estimand = "ATE", withSampW = FALSE)
for(i in 2:length(x$psList)) denom <- denom * 1/get.weights(x$psList[[i]], stop.method = stop.method, estimand = "ATE", withSampW = FALSE)
w <- 1/denom
if(withSampW) w <- w * x$psList[[1]]$sampw
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