#' Plot `dxwts`
#' @param x An `dxwts` object.
#' @param plots An indicator of which type of plot is desired. The options are
#' * `"optimize" or 1` A plot of the balance criteria as a function of the GBM
#' iteration.
#' * `"boxplot" or 2` Boxplots of the propensity scores for the treatment and
#' control cases
#' * `"es" or 3` Plots of the standardized effect size of the pre-treatment
#' variables before and after reweighing
#' * `"t" or 4` Plots of the p-values from t-statistics comparing means of
#' treated and control subjects for pretreatment variables, before and after
#' weighting.
#' * `"ks" or 5` Plots of the p-values from Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics
#' comparing distributions of pretreatment variables of treated and control
#' subjects, before and after weighting.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @method plot dxwts
#' @export
#' @md
plot.dxwts <- function(x, plots="es", ...){
pt1 <- diag.plot(x, plots, ...)
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