# nuisance functions are now all using cv.glmnet
# drlasso function: dr-learner with lasso
mu.x.new <- function(y.tr, a.tr, x.tr, new.x, nfolds, alpha = 1, treatment = NULL, ...){
# estimate E(Y|X)
# y.tr: vector of outcomes
# a.tr: vector of binary treatments
# x.tr: matrix of confounders
# new.x: estimation point
# nfolds: a number indicating the number of splits used to do cross-fitting.
# alpha: hyper-parameter in glmnet. alpha = 1 indicates lasso regression
# treatment: categorical variable.
# E(Y|X, W=1) is estimated when treatment = 1, E(Y|X, W=0) is estimated when 0, E(Y|X) when NULL
params <- list(...)
if(treatment == 0){
y.tr <- y.tr[a.tr == 0]
x.tr <- x.tr[a.tr == 0, , drop = FALSE]
}else if(treatment == 1){
y.tr <- y.tr[a.tr == 1]
x.tr <- x.tr[a.tr == 1, , drop = FALSE]
else stop("invalid treatment")
n <- length(y.tr)
family <- params[["family"]]
foldid <- params[["foldid"]]
lambda <- params[["lambda"]]
if(is.null(family)) family <- 'gaussian'
if(is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 'lambda.min'
tmp <- as.integer(ceiling(n / nfolds))
if(is.null(foldid)) foldid <- sample(rep(1:nfolds, tmp)[1:n])
fit <- cv.glmnet(x.tr, y.tr, family = family, nfolds = nfolds, foldid = foldid, alpha = alpha)
res <- predict(fit, new.x, s= lambda)
mu.x.new2 <- mu.x.new(dta$y.tr, dta$w.tr, dta$x.tr, new.x = dta$x.te,
nfolds = 3, alpha = 1, treatment = NULL)
mu.x.new1 <- mu.x.new(dta$y.tr, dta$w.tr, dta$x.tr, new.x = dta$x.te,
nfolds = 3, alpha = 1, treatment = 1)
mu.x.new0 <- mu.x.new(dta$y.tr, dta$w.tr, dta$x.tr, new.x = dta$x.te,
nfolds = 3, alpha = 1, treatment = 0)
pi.x.new <- function(a.tr, x.tr, new.x, nfolds, ...){
# estimate E(W|X)
# a.tr: vector of binary treatments
# x.tr: matrix of confounders
# new.x: covariates to be estimated
# nfolds: a number indicating the number of splits used to do cross-fitting.
params <- list(...)
n <- length(a.tr)
# print(n)
family <- params[["family"]]
foldid <- params[["foldid"]]
lambda <- params[["lambda"]]
if(is.null(family)) family <- 'binomial'
if(is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 'lambda.min'
if(is.null(foldid)) foldid <- sample(rep(1:nfolds, ceiling(n / nfolds))[1:n])
w_fit <- cv.glmnet(x.tr, a.tr, nfolds = 3,
foldid = foldid,
family= family)
# w_lambda_min = w_fit$lambda[which.min(w_fit$cvm[!is.na(colSums(w_fit$fit.preval))])]
res <- predict(w_fit, new.x, s = lambda, type = "response")
# p_hat = w_fit$fit.preval[,!is.na(colSums(w_fit$fit.preval))][, w_fit$lambda[!is.na(colSums(w_fit$fit.preval))] == w_lambda_min]
pi.x.test <- pi.x.new(a.tr = dta$w.tr, x.tr = dta$x.tr, new.x = dta$x.te, nfolds = 3)
drl.ite.new <- function(y.tr, x.tr, new.x, nfolds, ...){
# used for second stage regression:
# y.tr
# x.tr
# new.x
# nfolds
params <- list(...)
n <- length(y.tr)
family <- params[["family"]]
foldid <- params[["foldid"]]
lambda <- params[["lambda"]]
if(is.null(family)) family <- 'gaussian'
if(is.null(foldid)) foldid <- sample(rep(1:nfolds, ceiling(n / nfolds))[1:n])
if(is.null(lambda)) lambda <- 'lambda.min'
fit <- cv.glmnet(x.tr, y.tr, family = family, nfolds = nfolds, foldid = foldid, alpha = 1)
res <- predict(fit, new.x, s = lambda)
drl.ite.new(y.tr, x.tr, new.x = x.te, nfolds = 3)
# create a new dr-learner function
drlasso <- function(v0, y, a, x, v, nsplits = 5, nfolds = 3, alpha = 1, ...){
params <- list(...)
foldid <- params[["foldid"]]
oracle <- params[["oracle"]]
n <- length(y)
if(is.null(foldid)) {
s <- sample(rep(1:nsplits, ceiling(n / nsplits))[1:n])
} else {
s <- foldid
nsplits <- length(unique(foldid))
# print(s)
if(is.null(oracle)){oracle <- FALSE}
foldid_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y)/nsplits, ncol = nsplits)
pred_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y), ncol = nsplits)
mu1_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y)/nsplits, ncol = nsplits)
mu0_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y)/nsplits, ncol = nsplits)
pi_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y)/nsplits, ncol = nsplits)
pseudo_res <- matrix(nrow = length(y)/nsplits, ncol = nsplits)
for(k in 1:nsplits){
# assign test and train set to calculate mu and pi
test.idx <- k == s
train.idx <- k != s
if(all(!train.idx)) train.idx <- test.idx
x.tr <- x[train.idx, , drop = FALSE]
a.tr <- a[train.idx]
y.tr <- y[train.idx]
x.te <- x[test.idx, , drop = FALSE]
a.te <- a[test.idx]
y.te <- y[test.idx]
v.te <- v[test.idx, , drop = FALSE]
if(oracle == 'FALSE'){
mu1hat <- mu.x.new(y.tr = y.tr, a.tr = a.tr, x.tr = x.tr, new.x = x.te,
alpha = 1, nfolds = 3, treatment = 1)
mu0hat <- mu.x.new(y.tr = y.tr, a.tr = a.tr, x.tr = x.tr, new.x = x.te,
alpha = 1, nfolds = 3, treatment = 0)
pihat <- pi.x.new(a = a.tr, x = x.tr, new.x = x.te, nfolds = 3, alpha = 1)
mu1hat <- true_mu1(x.te)
mu0hat <- true_mu0(x.te)
pihat <- e(x.te)
print('oracle mu and pi!')
# print(mu1hat)
pseudo <- (a.te - pihat) / (pihat * (1 - pihat)) *
(y.te - a.te * mu1hat - (1 - a.te) * mu0hat) + mu1hat - mu0hat
foldid_res[,k] <- as.numeric(which(test.idx == TRUE))
pseudo_res[,k] <- pseudo
mu1_res[,k] <- mu1hat
mu0_res[,k] <- mu0hat
pi_res[,k] <- pihat
pred_res[,k] <- drl.ite(y.tr = pseudo, x.tr = v.te, new.x = v0)
res = list(pred = pred_res, pseudo = pseudo_res, foldid = foldid_res,
mu1 = mu1_res, mu0 = mu0_res, pi = pi_res)
# drlasso.test2 <- drlasso(v0 = dta$x.te, y = dta$y.tr, a = dta$w.tr, x = dta$x.tr,
# v = dta$x.tr, nsplits = 5, nfolds = 3, oracle = TRUE)
# calculate MSE of oracle, average MSE ~ 0.01, looks good
# tmp_res_oracle <- vector("numeric", 40L)
# for (i in 1:40){
# drlasso.test2 <- drlasso(v0 = dta$x.te, y = dta$y.tr, a = dta$w.tr, x = dta$x.tr,
# v = dta$x.tr, nsplits = 4, nfolds = 3, oracle = TRUE)
# pred.drl <-rowMeans(drlasso.test2[["pred"]])
# true_est <- true_mu1(dta$x.te) - true_mu0(dta$x.te)
# tmp_res_oracle[i] <- mean((pred.drl - true_est)^2)
# print(paste('Iteration', i))
# }
# hist(tmp_res_oracle)
# # calculate MSE of dr-learner
# tmp_res <- vector("numeric", 40L)
# for (i in 1:40){
# drlasso.test2 <- drlasso(v0 = dta$x.te, y = dta$y.tr, a = dta$w.tr, x = dta$x.tr,
# v = dta$x.tr, nsplits = 4, nfolds = 3, oracle = FALSE)
# pred.drl <-rowMeans(drlasso.test2[["pred"]])
# true_est <- true_mu1(dta$x.te) - true_mu0(dta$x.te)
# tmp_res[i] <- mean((pred.drl - true_est)^2)
# print(paste('Iteration', i))
# # print(tmp_res)
# }
# hist(tmp_res)
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