allpairs.egcm: Perform cointegration tests for all pairs of securities in a...

allpairs.egcmR Documentation

Perform cointegration tests for all pairs of securities in a list


Given a list of ticker symbols, downloads the adjusted daily closing prices of each of the symbols from Yahoo, and performs a cointegration test for each pair of symbols. Returns a data.frame containing the results of the tests.


  startdate = format(Sys.Date() - 365, "%Y-%m-%d"), 
  enddate =   format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d"),, ...)



A list of ticker symbols whose data is to be downloaded from Yahoo!. Alternatively, this may be a data.frame containing the price series to be checked, one series per column.


The starting date for which to download the data. Given in the form "YYYY-MM-DD". Defaults to one year ago.


The ending date for which to download the data. Given in the form "YYYY-MM-DD". Defaults to today.

if TRUE, NA and Inf price values are replaced by the last available price. Default:TRUE.


Other parameters to be passed to egcm


A data.frame containing the following columns:

  • series1: Name of the first ticker in this cointegration test

  • series2: Name of the second ticker in this cointegration test

  • log: Boolean which if TRUE indicates that the cointegration test is performed on the logs of the series

  • i1test: Name of the test used for checking that the series are integrated.

  • urtest: Name of the test used for checking for a unit root in the residual series

  • alpha: Constant term of the linear relation between the series

  • Standard error of alpha

  • beta: Linear term of the linear relation between the series

  • Standard error of beta

  • rho: Coefficient of mean reversion

  • Standard error of rho

  • s1.i1.stat: Statistic computed for integration test of first series

  • s1.i1.p: p-value for integration test of first series

  • s2.i1.stat: Statistic computed for integration test of second series

  • s2.i1.p: p-value for integration test of second series

  • r.stat: Statistic computed for cointegration test (e.g. whether the residual series contains a unit root)

  • r.p: p-value associated with r.stat

  • eps.ljungbox.stat: Ljung-Box statistic computed on the innovations of the series

  • eps.ljungbox.p: p-value associated with the Ljung-Box statistic

  • s1.dsd: Standard deviation of the first differences of the first series

  • s2.dsd: Standard deviation of the first differences of the second series

  • Standard deviation of the residual series

  • Standard deviation of the innovations

  • is.cointegrated: TRUE if the pair is cointegrated at the 5% confidence level


Matthew Clegg

See Also



## Not run: 
    # Check if any of the oil majors are cointegrated:

## End(Not run)

matthewclegg/egcm documentation built on March 5, 2023, 6:33 a.m.