
Defines functions `%**%` convert_date as_pc get_month_num round_up round_up_nice

Documented in as_pc convert_date get_month_num round_up round_up_nice

## Helper functions

#' Multiply numbers only if at least one of them isn't zero or NA
#' If both numbers are zero or NA, return zero
#' @param x First number
#' @param y Second number
#' @examples
#' 10 %**% 2 # == 20
#' 10 %**% 0 # == 10
#' @export
`%**%` = function(x, y) {
  if ( (is.na(x) | x == 0) & (is.na(y) | y == 0) ) {
  } else {
    ifelse(is.na(x) | x == 0, 1, x) * ifelse(is.na(y) | y == 0, 1, y)  # this is an 'infix' function

#' Convert dates only when they're in Excel (numeric) format
#' @param d The date
#' @export
convert_date = function(d) {
  ifelse( Hmisc::all.is.numeric(d),                                     # check if this row contains a number or a string
          as.character(janitor::excel_numeric_to_date(as.numeric(d))),  # if a number, use janitor::excel...() to convert it
          d )                                                           # if a string, leave it alone

#' Convert proportions to %s
#' @param x The proportion
#' @export
as_pc = function(x) round(x * 100, 1)

#' Convert month name to the month's number
#' (e.g. "February" or "Feb" returns 2)
#' @param month String containing the month, either in full (e.g. "February") or abbreviated ("Feb")
#' @param list.of.months Optional list of month names. Defaults to the full names (`month.name`); use `month.abb` for short month names
#' @examples
#' get_month_num("December")
#' get_month_num("Dec", month.abb)
#' @export
get_month_num = function(month, list.of.months = month.name) {
  match(month, list.of.months)

#' Round up to nearest specified number
#' source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6468532
#' @param x Number to round up
#' @param to Number to round to to
#' @export
round_up = function(x, to = 10)
  to*(x%/%to + as.logical(x%%to))

#' Round up to nearest 'nice' number
#' source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6463946
#' @param x Number to round up
#' @param nice Vector of 'nice' numbers (no need to change this)
#' @export
round_up_nice = function(x, nice = c(1,2,4,5,6,8,10)) {
  if(length(x) != 1) stop("'x' must be of length 1")
  10^floor(log10(x)) * nice[[which(x <= 10^floor(log10(x)) * nice)[[1]]]]
matthewgthomas/brclib documentation built on Feb. 21, 2020, 6:18 p.m.