Man pages for matthiasheinig/eQTLpipeline
A package to facilitate the full pipeline of cis eQTL analysis

add.chr.len.annocumulative chromosome lengths
convert.vcfconvert .vcf files to MatrixEQTL genotype input
eqtlbasic eQTL interface
eqtl.min.pbasic eQTL interface
eQTLpipelinefull pipeline of eQTL analysis including permutations on HPC...
eqtl.runbasic eQTL interface
manhattan.qtlmake manhattan plots of MatrixEQTL results
myWaitForJobsbasic eQTL interface
trans.qtltransQTL interface
matthiasheinig/eQTLpipeline documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:16 p.m.