library(devtools)  # just to get the local qmethod package
library(knitr)  # needed for output
library(rmarkdown)  # needed for output
library(grid)  # needed, for, well, grids and arrows
library(gridExtra)  # needed for more grids
library(ggplot2)  # for custom plots
install.packages(repos = NULL, type = "source", INSTALL_opts = c('--no-lock'), pkgs = c("../qmethod"))  # notice this is the LOCAL qmethod
library(qmethod)  # loading it
library(psych)  # to use psych's functions directly
library(reshape2)  # data massaging


res <- NULL
res$var <- qmethod(dataset = raw, nfactors = 4, rotation = "varimax", forced = TRUE, cor.method = "spearman", reorder = FALSE, allow.confounded = FALSE)
res$quar <- qmethod(dataset = raw, nfactors = 4, rotation = "quartimax", forced = TRUE, cor.method = "spearman", reorder = FALSE, allow.confounded = FALSE)
res$equa <- qmethod(dataset = raw, nfactors = 4, rotation = "equamax", forced = TRUE, cor.method = "spearman", reorder = FALSE, allow.confounded = FALSE)
# TODO add highlights for some cases

Loadings Plots

Here are the loadings plots in this order: varimax, quartimax and equamax.

plots <- NULL
plots$loa <- lapply(X = res, FUN = "q.loaplot", names = FALSE, points = TRUE, alpha = 1/3, density = TRUE, grid = FALSE, rug = TRUE, quietly = TRUE, red = FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(plots$loa$var)) { = "grid.arrange", args = c(plots$loa$var[i], plots$loa$quar[i], plots$loa$equa[i], nrow = 1))

Confounded Q-Sorts

These are for the various rotations:

Number of Flags

The number of flagged q-sorts (with de-confounding) is actually quite similar.

flagsums <- lapply(X = names(res), FUN = function(x) colSums(res[[x]][["flagged"]]))
names(flagsums) <- names(res)
lapply(X = flagsums, FUN = "sum")

Loadings Histogram

Again in the order (horizontally) varimax, quartimax and equamax.

We can see that the later factors under quartimax and equamax have quite little variance and mostly low loadings.

for (i in colnames(res$var$loa)) {
  var <- ggplot(data = res$var$loa, mapping = aes_q(x = + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) + xlim(-1,1)
  quarti <- ggplot(data = res$quar$loa, mapping = aes_q(x = + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) + xlim(-1,1)
  equa <- ggplot(data = res$equa$loa, mapping = aes_q(x = + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) + xlim(-1,1)
  grid.arrange(var, quarti, equa, nrow = 1)

Summed of Squared Loadings

The variance is redistributed to the first, general factor even before flagging:

apply(X = res$var$loa, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) sum(x^2))
apply(X = res$quar$loa, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) sum(x^2))
apply(X = res$equa$loa, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) sum(x^2))

maxheld83/pensieve documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 9:16 a.m.