
"The factors are likewise natural, representing actual categories of thinking that are operant with respect to the issues under consideration."

-- Steven Brown [-@Brown1980: 70, emphasis added]

In this procedure, participants sort items according to their own, "first-person", arbitrary categories. These categories are:

In contrast to other sorting techniques, which require a single set of mutually exclusive, and comprehensively exhaustive ("MECE") categories as a disjoint set vis-a-vis the items [@coxon-1999, p. 3], Q-Cat encourages overlapping multiple categories, each of which is merely logically (TRUE, FALSE) assigned to each item. This complicates the analysis, but avoids imposing a pre-supposed structure of categorical subjectivity on participants. ^[In a future iteration, participants will ipsatively rank items vis-a-vis a categorical prototype (chosen from the items, compare @rosch-1978), yielding ordinal information, requiring a separate, non-parametric analytical procedure.]

Sorting Procedure

As in a traditional Q-sort, the LOS procedure requires items printed on paper cards. The same criteria for good items hold. For this study, the 35 items covered language games, such as the following two examples:

Language of Bees
Bee-german: 'Summ, summ, summ.'
Bee-english: 'Samm, Samm, Samm.'
Bee-french: 'Summe, summe, summe.'
Bee-finnish: 'Suomi, suomi, suomi'

Let's eat Grandpa
Let's eat grandpa.
Let's eat, grandpa.
Commas - They save lives!

As in Q, personal administration of the sorts with one-on-one interviews are recommended to get a deeper sense about what the participants are thinking and to avoid influences between them, but online administration is also conceivable.

If the participants are not familiar with the items, you should plan enough time to let them read all the items carefully or to listen to an audio version of, as we have done with the children in this study to make sure they have experienced the whole text. Sometimes you can gather some interesting spontaneous reactions here (laughter, incomprehension or refusal), to whom you could come back later in the interview.

As a starting question, we asked the participants to take two items, which seems similar to them (in any aspect) and put them to the side. We asked them to describe in what way the texts are similar and what feature they share. We then noted this category description in a paper table, sorted by an category index (say, from A to Z). Starting out with pairs of similar items, naturally, increases the minimum number of shared categories: this procedure will never yield a category which applies only to a single item. This "bias" is defensible, because it flows from what we want to measure: categorical similarity between the items. A single-item category produces no additional information in this regard, and it is unclear how a category with a membership of one would be meaningful.

After each paired comparison, we invited the participating children to find more items, for which the category would apply, putting them to one side of the table. Once all items have been considered for the category in question, the index of that category (say, C) is noted on all cards, for which the category applied. All cards are then mixed again, placed in the center of the table, and the process begins again, with a new pair of similar items.

knitr::include_graphics(path = c("q-cat-stage-0.jpg", "q-cat-stage-1.jpg", "q-cat-stage-2.jpg", "q-cat-stage-3.jpg"))

Ensuring that any one category is assessed for all items can be mentally taxing for the participants, but is essential for the downstream analysis. We also tried an alternative procedure, where participants first define all categories, and then check all items for each of the categories. This can sometimes be a little faster, but the categories cannot be as easily changed, and the ipsative nature of the assessment may be lost. Whatever the order, the tedium of assessing all categories on all items remains. This tiring step in LOS is an unavoidable disadvantage of the approach, and compares unfavorably to Q-sorts, which participants often enjoy completing. ^[The comparison is a bit unfair, because LOS produces a lot more information then a Q-sort.]

The participating children sometimes had a hard time explaining a category, mixing several characteristics or simply describing items as "strange". This is to be expected, perhaps in any age group, because spontaneous categorisations are rarely well-defined. If participants so choose, they can revise their category descriptions at any point, but these can also remain imperfect. LOS is an attempt to measure categorical similarity between the items, and as such, the categories may well be vague and ill-defined -- that may be just the operant subjectivity. Accordingly, the category descriptions do not actually figure in the downstream analysis, they merely serve in the final interpretation to make sense of the extracted factors of categorical similarity.

Data Storage

For our example study on categorizations of language games with children and grown-ups, this yields a list of description matrices (one element for each participant, as in table \@ref(tab:desc-example)) and a three-dimensional array of assignment matrices (one slice for each participant, as in table \@ref(tab:ass-example)). ^[This canonical data representation can be easily produced from conveniently entered raw data with pensieve::import_qcat().]

knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)
# prepare some example subset
chosen_cats <- c(A = "Tiere",
                 L = "Aussprache",
                 H = "Satzzeichen",
                 G = "Reime")
chosen_cat_indices <- which(x = LETTERS %in% names(chosen_cats))
komki$qcat$desc[names(chosen_cats), "Julius"] <- c("animals", 

chosen_items <- c("language-of-bees", "eating-grandpa")

desc_example <- data.frame(Index = chosen_cat_indices,
                           Description = komki$qcat$desc[names(chosen_cats), "Julius"],
                           row.names = NULL)

ass_example <- komki$qcat$ass$Julius[chosen_items, chosen_cat_indices]
kable(x = desc_example,
      row.names = FALSE,
      caption = "Description Matrix (Subset)")
kable(x = ass_example,
      row.names = TRUE, 
      col.names = as.character(c(1:ncol(ass_example))),
      caption = "Assignment Matrix (Subset)")
opts_knit$set(echo = FALSE,
              cache = TRUE,
              fig.retina = 2,
              dpi = 72) 

options(xtable.comment = FALSE)
options(xtable.booktabs = TRUE)

install_github(repo = "maxheld83/qmethod")
library(qmethod)  # from github

# kill nas
komki$qsorts <- na.omit(komki$qsorts)  # because some items were never shown to some people
#TODO this deletion may no longer be necessary as per newest job procedures

komki$items <- komki$items[komki$items$Handle.english %in% rownames(komki$qsorts), ]
komki$qcat$ass <- sapply(X = komki$qcat$ass, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(x) {
  x[rownames(x) %in% rownames(komki$qsorts), , drop = FALSE]

# killing jason, because a) he just didn't REALLY do the thing and b) he dominates the qcat model, which we don't like.
komki$qsorts <- komki$qsorts[, colnames(komki$qsorts) != "Jason"]
komki$qcat$desc <- komki$qcat$desc[, colnames(komki$qcat$desc) != "Jason"]
komki$qcat$ass$Jason <- NULL

Analysis 1: Shared Categories as Surprising Similarity

To analyze Q-Cat data, we must first render the individual categorisations comparable. ^[Note that the data in canonical form cannot be compared between individuals. For example, Nhome's first category is independently defined (by her) from the above Julius's first category, and so on.] To do that, we first transform the binary assignments into continuous deviations from probable assignments. The probable assignment is the expected value $\mathbb{E}$ for some item draw, which is, intuitively, the probability-weighted ($p$) arithmetic average of outcomes $x_1$ (TRUE) and $x_2$ (FALSE),

$$\mathbb{E}(X) = x_1 p_1 + x_2 p_2$$

where $p_1$ probability of TRUE is simply the count of TRUEs $z$ divided by the number of items $y$, $p_1 = z / y$, and $p_2 = 1 - p_1$. We then subtract this expected value from the observed realization for some $x$, yielding

$$x{'} = x - \mathbb{E}(X).$$

make_surprise <- function(ass) {
  surprise <- ass  # TODO better make this object empty in future!
  for (person in names(ass)) {
    ev <- colSums(ass[[person]]) / nrow(ass[[person]])
    surprise[[person]] <- t(apply(X = ass[[person]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {x - ev}))
surprise <- make_surprise(ass = komki$qcat$ass)
kable(x = surprise$Julius[chosen_items, chosen_cat_indices],
      col.names = as.character(c(1:4)),
      caption = "Assignments as Surprisal Values (Subset)")

We can now express Julius' above assignments from table \@ref(tab:ass-example) as $x{'}$, an information-theoretical surprisal value [@attneave-1959]. ^[Our measure is a greatly simplified version of Burton's $Z$, which required conditional probabilities for item-pair co-occurences, because items are drawn into MECE categories without replacement [compare @burton-1972].] A high positive value, such Julius' value for category 1 on language-of-bees indicates that this assignment is positively surprising, given the probable assignment; it's TRUE"ishness" is higher than would be expected on average. The inverse holds for Julius' value for category 2 on eating-grandpa; it is less TRUEish than would be expected, even though only slightly so.

Summary statistics about the surprisal value matrices are also readily interpretable. For example, Julius has a mean surprisal value of mean(surprise$Julius["language-of-bees", ]) for language-of-bees, implying that the item attracted many more category assignments than expected. Conversely, a high standard deviation, such as for Julius' the-same (sd(surprise$Julius["the-same", ])) suggests that the item was assigned much more than expected to some categories, but not to others. Both characteristics of category assignments are appropriately standardized away by the correlation coefficient, because a high center of, or high spread of assignments should not give extra weight to some item.

Thus standardized for the category width, spread and center we can now easily correlate the surprisal value of all item pairs, yielding a three dimensional array of items x items x people. ^[A simpler approach, tried out earlier, would simply count the co-occurences of item-pairs in any set of categories, but such a procedure does not standardize for category width, and has the disadvantage of only producing a co-occurence matrix.]

This correlation of the surprisal values of item pairs, observed over a (varying) number of (open-ended) categories is, oddly, neither an R, nor a Q-type analysis. The correlated variables are items, but the observations are also "variables" of sorts, namely the inductive categories described by participants. As will be obvious in the next step, this preliminary summary is necessary to enable a "Q-way" analysis of the categorical data available here: categorisations must first be made comparable accross participants, which is what the surprisal value correlation matrices as a rough indication of categorically assigned similarity accomplish.

Julius slice is display in figure \@ref(fig:make-cora). The correlation coefficients encompass a surprising range, all the way from -1 to 1 - even on the off-diagonal. Strictly speaking, the values can be interpreted as categorically assigned, surprising similarity. Measured by the granularity of the present study (i.e. the number of observed categories for some participant), an off-diagonal 1 can be taken to indicate total similarity. As with other samples, this measure entails an element of chance: Julius' perfect correlation between items resistance and comma likely does not indicate that Julius thought the two were truly identical. They just appear to be identical on the (limited) number categories observed, and would probably be differentiated, had they been observed on more, or different categories. We can, consequently, have more confidence in a surprisal correlation matrix that is based on a greater number of observation (= categories), because chance "identities" are less likely to arise, though given the intensive nature of the method, the number of observations is likely to always remain quite limited. When extracting the shared patterns of categorical similarity, it will be important to deflate resulting models by the probability of such random, likely false-positive identities through means of a custom parallel analysis or related methods [@Glorfeld-1995, @Horn-1965].

This operation appears, at first glance, similar to Repertory Grid Technique [RGT, e.g. @fransella-2004], where participants also evaluate a given set of items (called "elements" in RGT) on some inductive, participant-defined categories (called "constructs" in RGT), though RGT employs interval measurements (not categorical) and cannot reveal inter-individual differences, because the analysis procceeds R-ways. The analysis suggested here, works quite differently - observations and variables are, in classic Q fashion, transposed. Whereas in RGT, open-ended categories are correlated over items as observations to reveal similarity categories, we - initially - suggest to correelate items over categories as observations to reveal similar items, which are, at a later stage, referred back to initially entered categories.

make_cora <- function(surprise) {
  cora <- sapply(X = surprise, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = "array", FUN = function(x) {
    m <- cor(t(x))
  names(dimnames(cora)) <- c("item", "item", "people")
cora <- make_cora(surprise = surprise)

GGally::ggcorr(data = cora[,,"Julius"], label = TRUE)

The correlation heatmap in \@ref(fig:make-cora) is broadly informative, but too big for researchers to make sense of, simply because the item combinations are many - as they should be, for a productive analysis. Because item surprisal similarity is here expressed as a simple correlation matrix, we can employ a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce its dimensionality.

pca_julius <- prcomp(x = t(surprise$Julius), retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
# todo add a proper biplot here, does that even make sense?
rotated_julius <- quartimax(L = pca_julius$rotation[,1:7])$loadings

# now let's find the scores, so we know which were the original categories assigned here
scores_julius <- matrix(data = NA,
                        nrow = ncol(rotated_julius),
                        ncol = ncol(surprise$Julius))
for(pc in 1:ncol(rotated_julius)) {
  scored_surprise <- surprise$Julius
  for(item in rownames(rotated_julius)) {
    scored_surprise[item, ] <- surprise$Julius[item, ] * rotated_julius[item, pc]
  scores_julius[pc,] <- colSums(scored_surprise)

scores_n_desc <- data.frame(desc = komki$qcat$desc[1:17,"Julius"],
                           scores = t(scores_julius))
# View(scores_n_desc)

#rownames(rotated_julius) <- komki$items$Handle.deutsch  # comment me out unless you want german items
ggplot(data =[,1:2]), mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, label = rownames(rotated_julius))) + geom_text(position = position_jitter(width = 0.05))

Figure \@ref(fig:julius-pca) displays the item loadings in the first two rotated principal components (out of seven with an Eigenvalue greater than one). These loadings can be interpreted as similarity of items in terms of their surprising category assignment; i-we and but-how both are surprisingly present on the first dimension of such similarity, while riddle and idiom are both surprisingly absent on the same dimension. Using factor scores, which are here ideal-typical category assignments, we can also relate this summary back to the original descriptions. A cursory inspection of the item pattern and the underlying descriptions suggests that Julius first rotated reflects his formal categorisations (such as punctuation), as opposed to his more substantive judgments (such as whether an item was a joke, or played with the meaning of words). Such individual level summary illustrates the logic and should be meaningful, in principle, though it is likely to be of limited use in real research because the underlying observations are so sparse, and uncorrected surprisal values accordingly unreliable for an individual. ^[A proper analysis of individual level categorisations will also benefit from more specialized visualizations and may require custom rotation methods.]

Analysis 2: Ideal Types of Ideal Types

We now have an array $\underline{X}$ of order

$$J \times J \times K$$

or, in this context,

$$Items \times Items \times People$$,

where cells cells are Pearson's correlation coefficients, each across some observations of some item pair. (See this related answer on why this correlation matrix is the only comparable data we have; we can't go back to rawer data.)

Since both the number of people and the number of item-pairs are too large to make sense of the data, we need to reduce the dimensionality. Specifically, we want to reduce the people to fewer ideal types, and then describe these ideal type's ideal types of co-occuring items, potentially yielding of shared, categorical subjectivities of participants.

Since we are looking for a simple dimensionality reduction (not a causal or latent variable model), the n-mode generalisations of PCA, Candecomp/Parafac [PC, @carrol-chang-1970 and independently @harshman-1970] and the more involved Tucker procedures [@Tucker-1966] apply here.

# there is candecomp == parafac (CP decomp) and Tucker3 == Multilineal SVD (+ Kroonenberg extensions)
# candecomp/parafac is notgreat, because it requires the *same* number of components for each mode

# cp vs tucker image from t M. Alex O. Vasilescu via 

# install.packages("PTAk")
#install.packages("ThreeWay") # <- let's go with this
# library(ThreeWay)

# Candecomp/Parafac ====
cp_res <- CP(data = cora,
               laba = dimnames(cora)[[1]],
               labb = dimnames(cora)[[2]],
               labc = dimnames(cora)[[3]])
save("cp_res", file = "cp_res.Rdata")

cp_res <- load(file = "cp_res.Rdata")
ggpairs(data = cp_res$A)
ggpairs(data = cp_res$C)

# i actually want here the lower and upper tri to be different, one for items one for people but that doesn't work bc of some label bs
# lower_tri_plot <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
#   ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + geom_text()
# }

for(i in ncol())
ggplot(data =$A[,c(5,6)]), mapping = aes(x = Comp.5, y = Comp.6, label = rownames(cp_res$A))) + geom_point() + geom_label_repel()

rownames(cp_res$A) <- komki$items$Handle.deutsch

item_plots <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(cp_res$A)) {
  for(p in 1:ncol(cp_res$A)) {
    ggsave(filename = paste0("item-",i,"-",p,"-german.pdf"),
           plot = ggplot(data =$A[,c(i,p)]), mapping = aes_string(x = paste0("Comp.", i), y = paste0("Comp.", p), label = "rownames(cp_res$A)")) + geom_point() + geom_label_repel(),
           width = 7,
           height = 7,
           units = "in")

ggplot(data =$C[,c(1,2)]), mapping = aes(x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, label = rownames(cp_res$C))) + geom_point() + geom_text_repel()

ggpairs(data = cp_res$A, mapping = aes(label = rownames(cp_res$A)), lower = list(continuous = lower_tri_plot))

ggpairs(upper = )

all(abs(round(x = cp_res$A, digits = 1)) == abs(round(x = cp_res$B, digits = 1)))


# tucker ====
tucker_res <- T3(data = cora,
                      laba = dimnames(cora)[[1]],
                      labb = dimnames(cora)[[2]],
                      labc = dimnames(cora)[[3]])
save(tucker_res, file = "tucker_res.Rdata")



# some post prcessing as per gioardini kiers page 8
# tucker_res$A <- tucker_res$A %*% tucker_res$core
# tucker_res$core <- solve(tucker_res$core) %*% tucker_res$core

all(round(tucker_res$A, digits = 1) == round(tucker_res$B, digits = 1))

Open issues


While different in procedure and data type, Q-Cat shares the paradigmatic foundations of Q methodology. As Watts writes about Q-Sorts, here too:

"Subjectivity is not a mental entity. It does not reflect any inner experience and it has little in common with concepts like mind and consciousness."

-- Simon Watts [-@watts2011subjectivity, p. 40]


maxheld83/pensieve documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 9:16 a.m.