Dst: Green wood density data for a few tree species

Description Format Details Source Examples


Wood density is used to convert wood volume measures in the field to their fresh weights. It is measured in \frac{kg}{m^3}.


A data frame with 170 observations on the following 3 variables. data.frame: 170 obs. of 3 variables: $ species: chr "Abies alba" "Abies alba" "Abies balsama" "Abies grandis" ... $ group : Factor w/ 2 levels "conifer","dicot": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ density: int 545 577 529 449 465 673 689 497 673 577 ...


Density is measured at humidity level 50 wood humidity. The dataset is provided as a reference only, please be cautioned about using these values on your samples.


Niklas, K. J. and Spatz, H.-C. (2010) Worldwide correlations of mechanical properties and green wood density. American Journal of Botany, 97, 1587-1594



mbask/treecm documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:26 p.m.