meanDifferences: meanDifferences

View source: R/GOF.R

meanDifferencesR Documentation



Compute the differences between the estimated and the observed continuity corrected logarithms of the average count values (MD), and between the estimated average probability to observe a zero and the the observed zero rate (ZPD).


meanDifferences(estimated, observed)



a two column data.frame, output of fitNB, fitZINB, fitDM, fitZIG, or fitHURDLE functions. More in general, a data frame containing the continuity corrected logarithm for the average of the fitted values for each row of a matrix of counts in the Y column, and the estimated probability to observe a zero in the Y0 column.


a two column data.frame, output of prepareObserved function. More in general, a data frame containing the continuity corrected logarithm for the average of the observed values for each row of a matrix of counts in the Y column, and the estimated proportion of zeroes in the Y0 column.


a data.frame containing the differences between the estimated and the observed continuity corrected logarithms of the average count values in the MD column, and between the estimated average probability to observe a zero and the the observed zero rate in the ZPD column.

See Also



# Randomly generate the observed and estimated data.frames
observed <- data.frame(Y = rpois(10, 5), Y0 = runif(10, 0, 1))
estimated <- data.frame(Y = rpois(10, 5), Y0 = runif(10, 0, 1))

# Compute the mean differences between estimated and observed data.frames
meanDifferences(estimated, observed)

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