Man pages for mcfreund/mfutils
Personal miscellaneous utility functions

averageAverage select columns of matrix together.
averaging_matrixBuild averaging matrix from character vector of condition...
centerMean-center columns of a matrix.
combo_pastePaste all combinations of elements of a set of character...
concat_hemisConcatenate gifti data from each hemisphere.
crcorEstimate cross-run correlation matrix with downsampling.
crcor_rcppEstimate cross-run correlation matrix with downsampling.
dot-crcor_rEstimate cross-run correlation matrix with downsampling.
enlistCreate named list from character vector.
extract_dataExtract data from gifti object.
extract_labelsExtract labels from a gifti object.
faroutIdentify "far outlier" points using IQR method
foldAverage a square matrix over the diagonal
glasser2016Atlas datasets: glasser2016
indicatorCreate indicator matrix from character vector.
is_atlasCheck if object is of class "atlas"
is_equalVectorized test for numeric equivalence. From Johan Larsson's...
is_squareCheck if number, vector, or matrix is 'square'
load_atlasLoad atlas
melt_matConvert an array or matrix into a long-form 'data.frame'
ModeFind the mode of a vector.
new_atlasInternal functions for constructing and validating objects of...
offdiagsExtract off-diagonals of square matrix.
parcellateParcellate an image using an atlas.
plot_melted_matQuickly plot a melted matrix
print.atlasPrint method for "atlas" class
rename_dimRename elements of a given dimension within an array
render_reportDynamically render rmarkdown report with parameters.
resampleResample elements of vector.
resample_idxGenerate indices for resampling data.
scale2unitDivisively normalize a vector or columns of matrix to length...
schaefer2018Atlas datasets: schaefer2018
squareformVectorize and reshape distance or correlation matrices.
VarEfficiently compute row-wise or column-wise variance of a...
mcfreund/mfutils documentation built on Feb. 6, 2022, 4:57 a.m.