Man pages for mcrucifix/iceages
Ice age models and analysis

basincomputation of pullback basins of attraction
compute_clusterautomatic computation of the number of pullback attracting...
iceages-packageModels of ice ages and analysis tools
insol_tsComputes time-series of precession and obliquity
lyapunovEstimate greatest Lyapunov exponent over time span
modelsList of deterministic and stochastic ice age models
propagate_1step_DPropagates deterministic model foreworkd from told to tnew
propagate_1step_SPropagets stochastic model forward from told to tnew
propagate_dPropagate determinstic model forward over a series ot...
propagate_sPropagate stochastic model forward over a series ot timesteps
pullback_dEstimates determintistic pullback attractor over a series of...
rayleighEstimates reyleigh number, given a period
read_astroRead astronomical elements needed to compute precession and...
stroboscopic_dEstimates stroboscopic section of a deterministic model
mcrucifix/iceages documentation built on June 9, 2024, 9:37 a.m.