knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

R for ROMS

##This file contains a subset of a ROMs model. 
romsfile <- file.path(getOption("default.datadir"), 
                      "data_local", "", 
                      "ROMS", "s_corney", 
                      "cpolar", "")

BGM box geometry model for Atlantis.

bgm <- read_bgm(system.file("extdata", "Antarctica_28.bgm", package = "rbgm"))

## convert to Spatial 2D layers
boxes <- boxSpatial(bgm)
faces <- faceSpatial(bgm)

## BGM is in Lambert Conformal Conic:

## reproject to LL to localize in the ROMS data
## (ROMS may not be WGS84 . . .)
boxLL <- spTransform(boxes, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")

grat <- graticule(seq(50, 110, by = 5), seq(-70, -55, by = 5), tiles = TRUE, 
                  proj = projection(boxes))

plot(boxes, col = ifelse(boxes$boundary == 0, rainbow(nrow(boxes)), "white"))
plot(faces, col = "black", lwd = 3, lty = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(grat, border = "grey", lty = 2, add = TRUE)

Build a spatial crop in the ROMS grid based on the lon/lat coords.

coords <- readAll(romscoords(romsfile, c("lon_u", "lat_u")))
## add a buffer (-/+ to the extent)
cropex <- croproms(coords, extent(boxLL) + 5)

## read a variable
salt <- crop(romsdata(romsfile, "salt", slice = c(1, 1)), cropex)

col <- sstPal(palette = TRUE)
## modify palette appropriately for salt 
vlim <- c(34.0, 35.8)
plot(salt, col = col$cols, zlim = vlim)

## still we need the boxes (and any other map) in ROMS native grid space
rboxes <- romsmap(boxes, coords)
rgrat <- romsmap(grat, coords)

plot(rboxes, add = TRUE)
plot(rgrat, add = TRUE, border = "grey", lty = 2)

Save to local for 3d vis.

h <- romsdata(romsfile, "h")
save(h, file = "hroms.rdata")
save(coords, file = "coords.rdata")
vdims <- ncdim(romsfile, "salt")

ntime <- vdims[4]
for (itime in seq(ntime)) {
  #salt <- crop(romsdata(romsfile, "salt", slice = c(4, itime)), cropex)
  salt <- romsdata(romsfile, "salt", slice = c(4, itime))

  plot(salt, col = col$cols, zlim = vlim, main = sprintf("day %0.3i", itime))
  plot(rboxes, add = TRUE)
  plot(rgrat, add = TRUE, border = "grey", lty = 2)
trans <- vector("list", 31)
for (i in seq_along(trans)) {
  trans[[i]] <- extract(brick(romsfile, varname = "temp", level = i), l70)[[1]]

boxmean <- extract(brick(romsfile, varname = "salt", level = 4), 
                   rboxes, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

facemean <- extract(brick(romsfile, varname = "salt"), level = 4, 
                    rboxes, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)

## need a function to save indexes
bgmsalt <- array(NA_real_, c(nrow(boxes), ntime, 3))
  ## get mean, min, max
  bgmsalt[,itime, 1] <- extract(salt, rboxes, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  bgmsalt[,itime, 1] <- extract(salt, rboxes, fun = min, na.rm = TRUE)
  bgmsalt[,itime, 1] <- extract(salt, rboxes, fun = max, na.rm = TRUE)

mdsumner/angstroms documentation built on April 20, 2020, 8:50 p.m.