get_summary: Extract summary output and optionally export as a .csv file.

View source: R/get_summary.R

get_summaryR Documentation

Extract summary output and optionally export as a .csv file.


Takes a fitted fit_ssm object and extracts the summary data.frame, which includes the animal ids, POSIXct date/time (at increments specified by tstep in the fit_ssm call), posterior mean longitude and latitude, and the 2.5, 50, and 97.5 longitude and latitude. For the DCRWS and hDCRWS models, the posterior mean and median behavioural states corresponding to each estimated location are also provided.


get_summary(x, file = " ")



an output object from fit_ssm. If not an error will be returned.


a character string naming a file. " " indicates output to the console (default)


a summary data.frame printed either to the console (default) or written as .csv to a specified file.

mdsumner/bsam documentation built on July 5, 2024, 5:20 a.m.