map_ssm: Plot estimated track, behavioural states and observations on...

View source: R/map_ssm.R

map_ssmR Documentation

Plot estimated track, behavioural states and observations on a map.


Takes a fitted fit_ssm object and plots the observed (data) and estimated locations on a map. For the behavioural models (DCRWS, hDCRWS), the estimated locations are coloured according to the posterior mean behavioural state estimates.


map_ssm(fit, onemap = TRUE)



an output object from fit_ssm


If TRUE (default) then all estimated tracks are plotted on a single, combined map, if FALSE then tracks are plotted on separate maps.


Observed locations are plotted as '+' symbols and estimated locations as filled circles. Individual track id's (for DCRW and DCRWS models) are displayed at the top of each plot, but only when onemap = FALSE. The model specified in fit_ssm is also displayed at the top. Takes advantage of ggplot2 plotting functions.

Currently, results from the hierarchical models (hDCRW, hDCRWS) can only be plotted on a combined map.


## Not run: 
fit.s <- fitSSM(ellie, model = "DCRWS", tstep = 1, adapt = 100, samples = 100, 
              thin = 1, span = 0.1)
map_ssm(fit.s, onemap = TRUE)

hfit.s <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "hDCRWS", tstep = 1, adapt = 100, samples = 100, 
                thin = 1, span = 0.1)

## End(Not run)

mdsumner/bsam documentation built on July 5, 2024, 5:20 a.m.