
context("sp From Table")

## generate all topology types

poly1 <- .wrld_simpl
line1 <- as(.wrld_simpl, "SpatialLinesDataFrame")
point1 <- as(line1, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")

## create sptable versions
poly1tab <- sptable(poly1)
line1tab <- sptable(line1)
point1tab <- sptable(point1)
mpoint1tab <- sptable(mpoint1)

## reconstructed versions
poly0 <- sp(poly1tab, attr_tab = as.data.frame(poly1))
line0 <- sp(line1tab, attr_tab = as.data.frame(line1))
## cannot round-trip with as.data.frame because lines to points adds
## the line metadata (i.e. a partial fortify)
point0 <- sp(point1tab, attr_tab = point1@data)

mpoint0 <- sp(mpoint1tab, attr_tab = mpoint1@data)
test_that("we can round-trip sensibly", {
  expect_true(all(names(poly1) == names(poly0)))
  expect_that(nrow(poly1), equals(nrow(poly0)))

  expect_true(all(names(line1) == names(line0)))
  expect_that(nrow(line1), equals(nrow(line0)))

  ## sp() needs to no replicate names
  expect_true(all(names(point1) == names(point0)))
  expect_that(nrow(point1), equals(nrow(point0)))

  expect_true(all(names(mpoint1) == names(mpoint0)))
  expect_that(nrow(mpoint1), equals(nrow(mpoint0)))

  # gah these are such a pain
  #expect_true(proj4string(sp) == gsub("^ ", "", proj4string(poly1)))

sptabmod <-  poly1tab
sptabmod$object_ <- sptabmod$branch_
spmod <- sp(sptabmod)
test_that("if objects = branchs then fewer rows", {
  expect_that(nrow(spmod), equals(nrow(dplyr::distinct(poly1tab, branch_))))

test_that("can rebuild without attributes", {
  expect_that(sp(poly1tab), is_a(class(poly1)))
  expect_that(sp(mpoint1tab), is_a(class(mpoint1)))

poly1tab$new <- runif(nrow(poly1tab))
sp1 <- sp(poly1tab, attr_tab = poly1@data)
test_that("attributes are preserved, and adding a new one does only that", {
  expect_true(all(names(poly1) %in% names(sp1)))
  expect_that(base::setdiff( names(sp1), names(poly1)), equals("new"))


test_that("mismatched attributes and object number is an error", {
  expect_error(sp(poly1tab, attr_tab = data.frame(x = sample(1:20, 1))), "number of rows in attr must match distinct object in x")

cl <- spbabel::sptable(rasterToContour(raster(volcano)))

cl0 <- cl %>% filter(object_ == -1) #%>% mutate(object_ = as.character(i)) #%>% slice(2:(n()-1))

test_that("dud inputs caught", {
  expect_error(spbabel::sp(cl0))  #error

  expect_error(spbabel::sp(cl0, topol_ = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))

  expect_silent(spbabel::sp(cl, topol_  = "SpatialLinesDataFrame"))  ## ok)

mdsumner/spbabel documentation built on March 15, 2023, 5:03 p.m.