.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# set os options
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
packageStartupMessage("Setting Windows options...")
grDevices::windows.options(width = 8.33333333333333,
height = 5.55555555555556)
grDevices::windowsFonts(Lato = grDevices::windowsFont("Lato"))
grDevices::windowsFonts(FontAwesome = grDevices::windowsFont("FontAwesome"))
} else {
packageStartupMessage("Setting Mac/Linux options...")
grDevices::quartz.options(width = 8.33333333333333,
height = 5.55555555555556,
dpi = 72)
# check ggplot2 version
if (unlist(utils::packageVersion("ggplot2"))[1] < 3) {
"Warning: conethemes requires ggplot2 version 3.0.0 or higher."
# Retrieve Access to files in the package
pkg_resource <- function(...){
system.file( ..., package = 'conethemes', mustWork = TRUE)
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