

test_that("API has been specified", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2010, 2011), states = c("01")),
               "Please specifiy a valid API Key.")

test_that("Checks fips converter works", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2010, 2011), states = c("nc  ")),
               "Please specifiy a valid API Key.")

test_that("Valid State FIPS have Been Entered", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2010, 2011), states = c(01)),
               "1 contains an invalid fips code.\nPlease check the state_info table for details\non valid fips codes.")

test_that("Catch for years prior to data availability works", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(1980, 2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "MYKEY"),
               "1980 is before 1990.\nThe QWI data are only available after 1990.")

test_that("Catch for correct variables", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "MYKEY", variables = "AA"),
               "You have not specified a valid variable name")

test_that("Catch for endpoint checking", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "MYKEY", endpoint = "RR", variables = "EarnBeg"),
               "You have not specified a valid endpoint one of `sa``, `se``, or `rh`")

test_that("Catch for geography", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "MYKEY", geography = "country"),
               "Please enter a county or cbsa in the `geography` field")

test_that("Catch for seasonal adjustment", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "MYKEY", seasonadj = "r"),
               "Please specify a valid seasonal adjustment parameter of `S` or `U`")

# I need to rethink through this test
test_that("Valid API Key", {
  expect_error(get_qwi(years = c(2011), states = c("01"), apikey = "A"),
               "A valid key must be included with each data API request.")

# check that labels fails
test_that("add labels", {
               "A valid qwi object has not been passed to this function")

# Check parsing fails

test_that("parsing for post only", {
  expect_error(parse_qwi_message(mtcars), "You have not passed a valid response")

test_that("All the data frames have been sucessfully loaded",
            expect_equal(nrow(state_info), 51)
            expect_equal(nrow(owner_codes), 3)
            expect_equal(nrow(industry_labels), 433)
            expect_equal(nrow(qwi_var_names), 86)


test_that("fips code converter works",
            expect_equal(converted_fips("nc    "), "37")

test_that("Try Catch helper function returns correct message",
            mock_function <- function(a){
              if(a == 1){
                warning("I'm warning you")
            expect_equal(show_condition(mock_function(1)), "error")
            expect_equal(show_condition(mock_function(2)), "warning")
            expect_equal(show_condition(mock_function(3)), "message")

# Check that labeling function works
test_that("Try that labels are added",
            labels_add <- add_qwi_labels(nc_qwi)
            expect_equal(attributes(labels_add$ownercode)$label, "Group: Ownership group code")

# Test that api verifies a returned object
test_that("call checking works", {
medewitt/tidyqwi documentation built on April 29, 2024, 9:46 p.m.