Man pages for melissalever/mdp
Molecular Degree of Perturbation calculates scores for transcriptome data samples based on their perturbation from controls

compute_gene_scoreCompute gene score Computes gene scores for each gene within...
compute_perturbed_genesCompute perturbed genes Find the top fraction of genes that...
compute_sample_scoresCompute sample scores for each pathway
compute_zscoreComputes the thresholded Z score Plots the Z score using...
example_dataExpression data example
example_phenoPhenotypic data example
mdpMolecular Degree of Perturbation
pathway_summaryprint pathways generates a summary plot for pathways and...
sample_dataSample score results
sample_plotPlot sample scores Plots the sample scores data.frame for a...
melissalever/mdp documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 10:45 p.m.