DSensemble: Downscale ensemble runs

View source: R/DSensemble.R

DSensembleR Documentation

Downscale ensemble runs


Downscales an ensemble of climate model runs, e.g. CMIP5, taking the results to be seasonal climate statistics. For temperature, the result hold the seasonal mean and standard deviation, whereas for precipitation, the results hold the wet-day mean, the wet-day frequency, and the wet/dry-spell statistics. The call assumes that netCDF files containing the climate model ensemble runs are stores in a file structure, linked to the path argument and the rcp argument.


DSensemble(y, ...)



A station object.


additional arguments


Plot intermediate results if TRUE.


The path where the GCM results are stored.


Which (RCP) scenario


TRUE, apply a bias adjustment using biasfix


The predictor, a field or EOF object


If TRUE perform stationarity test - work in progress


Which EOFs to include in the step-wise multiple regression.


TRUE: detrend before calibrating the regression model.


Longitude range for predictor


Latitude range for predictor


TRUE: use the range relative to predictand; FALSE use absolute range


Used to extract months or a time period. See subset.


GCMs to select, e.g .subsample the ensemble (1:3 selects the three first GCMs)


Function for aggregating the predictand (daily), e.g. 'mean', 'wetmean'


Used together with FUN for some functions ('wetmean').


Minimum number of day used in annual used for aggregating the predictand/predictor


Function for transforming the predictor, e.g. 'C.C.eq' to estimate the saturation water vapout


Type of netCDF used in retrieve for reading GCM data.


File name pattern for GCM data.


TRUE for checking and debugging the functions.


Name of file saving the results.


Path of file saving the results.


Names of functions which do not work in annual(x,FUN=f). These functions are used using the following code annual(f(x),FUN="mean")


TRUE mask out land


Default set to NULL, otherwise set the time period for downscaling, e.g. c(1950,2100)


These methods are based on DS, and DSensemble is designed to make a number of checks and evaluations in addition to performing the DS on an ensemble of models. It is based on a similar philosophy as the old R-package 'clim.pact', but there is a new default way of handling the predictors. In order to attempt to ensure a degree of consistency between the downscaled results and those of the GCMs, a fist covariate is introduced before the principal components (PCs) describing the EOFs.

DSensemble.pca is used to downscale a predictor represented in terms of PCA, and can reduce the computation time significantly. See Benestad et al. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v67.28326.

The argument non.stationarity.check is used to conduct an additional test, taking the GCM results as 'pseudo-reality' where the predictand is replaced by GCM results interpolated to the same location as the provided predictand. The time series with interpolated values are then used as predictor in calibrating the model, and used to predict future values. This set of prediction is then compared with the interpolated value itself to see if the dependency between the large and small scales in the model world is non-stationary.

Other chekch include cross-validation (crossval) and diagnostics comparing the sample of ensemble results with the observations: number of observations outside the predicted 90-percent conf. int and comparing trends for the past.

The 'bias correction' is described in Imbert and Benestad (2005), Theor. Appl. Clim. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00704-005-0133-4.


A 'dsensembele' object - a list object holding DS-results.


## Not run: 
# Import historical temperature data from Oslo

## Download NorESM1-M from 'climexp.knmi.nl' in default directory
## (home directory for linux/mac users)
url <-"http://climexp.knmi.nl/CMIP5/monthly/tas"
## Download NorESM1-ME for the emission scenario RCP4.5
noresm <- "tas_Amon_NorESM1-M_rcp45_000.nc"
if (!file.exists(noresm)) {
  download.file(url=file.path(url,noresm), destfile=noresm,
                method="auto", quiet=FALSE, mode="w", cacheOK=TRUE)

## Download FIO-ESM for the emission scenario RCP4.5
fioesm <- "tas_Amon_FIO-ESM_rcp45_000.nc"
if (!file.exists(fioesm)) {
  download.file(url=file.path(url,fioesm), destfile=fioesm,
                method="auto", quiet=FALSE, mode="w", cacheOK=TRUE)

## Downscale the predictor (ERA-interim reanalysis 2m temperature)
predictor <- "air.2m.mon.mean.nc"
if (!file.exists(predictor)) {
  url <-"http://climexp.knmi.nl/ERA-interim/erai_t2m.nc"
  download.file(url=url, destfile=predictor,
                method="auto", quiet=FALSE, mode="w", cacheOK=TRUE)

# Downscale the temperature in Oslo
rcp4.5 <- DSensemble.t2m(Oslo, path='~', rcp='', pattern="tas_Amon_",
                         biascorrect=TRUE, predictor = predictor,
                         plot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)

## Evaluation: 
## (1) combare the past trend with downscaled trends for same
## interval by ranking and by fitting a Gaussian to the model ensemble;
## (2) estimate the probability for the counts outside the 90
## percent confidence interval according to a binomial distribution.
diagnose(rcp4.5, plot = TRUE, type = "target")

## End(Not run)

metno/esd documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 6:44 p.m.