NAO | R Documentation |
NAO: Daily North Atlantic Oscillation index from NCEP/NOAA
NAO(freq = "monthly", url = NULL, header = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
freq |
frequency |
url |
a URL or web address to location of data |
header |
a boolean, indicating if file includes a header or not |
verbose |
a boolean; if TRUE print information about progress |
NINO3.4: Daily Nino3.4 index provided by NOAA/NCDC downloaded from KNMI Climate Explorer
SOI: Souther Oscillation index from The Australian Bureau fo Meteorology (
GSL: Global Average Absolute Sea level Change, 1880-2015, from EPA's Climate Change Indicators in the United States:
GSL.nasa: Global Average Sea level from NASA GSL.aviso: Global Average Sea level from AVISO
QBO: Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. Calculated at NOAA/ESRL/PSD from the zonal average of the 30mb zonal wind at the equator as computed from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis.
CET: Central England Temperature from the Hadley Center
CO2: Carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, from NOAA ESRL. Reference: 'C.D. Keeling, R.B. Bacastow, A.E. Bainbridge, C.A. Ekdahl, P.R. Guenther, and L.S. Waterman, (1976), Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, Tellus, vol. 28, 538-551'
AMO: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, unsmoothed calculated from the Kaplan SST V2 at NOAA/ESRL/PSD1
IOD: Indian Ocean Dipole index
Sunspots: updated monthly sunspot number
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