regrid | R Documentation |
Fast transform data from one longitude-latitude grid to another through bi-linear interpolation. The regridding is done by first calculating a set of weights. This is a "QUICK & DIRTY" way of getting approximate results. More sophisticated methods exist (e.g. Kriging - LatticeKrig).
regrid(x, is = NULL, ...)
x |
a field object. |
is |
A list holding the coordinates lon and lat, a field object, an eof object, or a station object - for the latter three, the field x is interpolated to the longitude/latitude held by is. |
xo |
Old x-coordinates (longitudes) |
yo |
Old y-coordinates (latitudes) |
xn |
New x-coordinates (longitudes) |
yn |
New y-coordinates (latitudes) |
beta |
The matrix of interpolation weights |
approach |
'station' or 'pca2station'. If 'pca2station', the stations are turned into PCAs before regridding and then converted back to station objects. |
verbose |
If TRUE, print out diagnostics |
Let X(i,j) be a i-j matrix containing the data on a grid with i logitudes and j latitudes. We want to transform this to a different grid with k longitudes and l latitudes:
X(i,j) -> Y(k,l)
First the routine computes a set of weight, then performs a matrix multiplication to map the original data onto the new grid. The weights are based on the distance between points, taking longitude & latitude and use distAB() to estimate the geographical distance in km.
The matrix operation is: Y = beta X
beta is a matrix with dimensions (i*j,k*l)
( Y(1,1) ) (beta(1,1), beta(2,1), beta(3,1), ... ) ( X(1,1) ) ( Y(1,2) ) = (beta(1,2), beta(2,2), beta(3,2), ... ) ( X(1,2) ) ( ..... ) (beta(1,3), beta(2,3), beta(3,3), ... ) ( X(1,3) )
Most of the elements in Beta are zero!
A field object
R.E. Benestad and A. Mezghani
# Use regrid to interpolate to station location:
t2m <- t2m.DNMI()
z.oslo <- regrid(t2m,is=Oslo)
# Regrid t2m onto the grid of the gcm
gcm <- t2m.NorESM.M()
Z <- regrid(t2m,is=gcm)
# Example using regrid on a matrix object:
t2m.mean <- as.pattern(t2m,FUN='mean')
z <- regrid(t2m.mean,is=list(lon=seq(min(lon(t2m)),max(lon(t2m)),by=0.5),
# Add land borders on top
## Not run:
## Regrid station data using weights defined by the distance of the 4
## nearest stations: quick and dirty method
if (!file.exists("stationsVALUE_exp1a.rda")) {
TX <- regrid(Tx,is=list(lon=seq(-8,30,by=1),lat=seq(40,60,by=0.5)))
## End(Not run)
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