t2m.NCEP: Sample data

View source: R/data.R

t2m.NCEPR Documentation

Sample data


The object geoborders contains data on coastlines and borders, used in the methods map.


  lon = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  anomaly = FALSE,
  latest = FALSE,
  url = "ftp://ftp.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/surface/air.mon.mean.nc",
  verbose = FALSE



longitude range c(lin.min,lon.max)


latitude range


TRUE: return anomaly


if TRUE check if a newer version can be downloaded


source of data


if TRUE print progress


etopo5 is a 5-minute gridded elevation data set provided by NOAA as described in "Data Announcement 88-MGG-02, Digital relief of the Surface of the Earth. NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, 1988."

The object station.meta contains meta data for various sources of station data (NACD, NARP, NORDKLIM, ECAD, GHCN, and METNO) used in the methods station. ISO03 contains country codes.

NACD, NARP, and nordklim.data contain staion data from Northern Europe from the North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD), the Nordic Arctic Research Programme (NARP), and the NORDKLIM project, respectively, which are used in the methods station.

The temperature and precipitation data from NORDKLIM are also avaialble as station objects in t2m.NORDKLIM and precip.NORDKLIM.

Oslo and Svalbard are historic reconstructions of temperature from Oslo (1837-2018) and Svalbard (1898-2018) provided by Dr. Nordli, Met Norway.

ferder and vardo are time series of temperature and bjornholt of precipitation from stations in Norway, downloaded from the Met Norway data archive. Ferder and Bjornholt are located near Olso while Vardo is located in Northern Norway.

Samples of re-analyses are provided but to reduce the data size they have been stored as 20 EOFS (30 for precipitation) To reconstruct the fields, use the functions precip.ERAINT, slp.NCEP, t2m.NCEP, sst.NCEP, slp.DNMI, sst.DNMI, and t2m.DNMI. The data compression facilitated by the EOFs can provide 80-90% of the variance in the data. ESD uses the large-scale features from these reanalyses, and hence this information loss may be acceptable for downscaling work.

A reduced copy of the NorESM (M RCP 4.5) is also provided for the examples and demonstrations on how the downscaling can be implemented. Note: downscaling for end-users should never be based on one GCM simulation alone.

slp.ERA5 provides a small sample of 6-hourly ERA5 sea level pressure data from the North Atlantic from September 30 to October 10 of 2016, used to test the CCI method.

Some data sets (NINO3.4, NAOI ) come with a 'frozen' version in the package, but there are also functions that read the most recent version of these indeces from the Internet with functions NINO3.4 and NAO.

The python script py.script is used in the function ERA5.CDS to download ERA5 data from the Climate Data Store.


Numeric vectors/matrices with a set of attributes describing the data.


R.E. Benestad

See Also

aggregate.area as.4seasons, annual


year <- as.numeric( format(index(Oslo), '%Y') ) 
plot(aggregate(Oslo, by=year,FUN='mean', na.rm = FALSE), new=FALSE)

z <- subset(etopo5,is=list(lon=c(-10,30),lat=c(40,60)))
map(z, new=FALSE)

metno/esd documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 6:44 p.m.