trend.dsensemble: trend.dsensemble

View source: R/trend.dsensemble.R

trend.dsensembleR Documentation



The function trend.dsensemble is used to calculate trends of dsensemble objects and summarise the results in terms of ensemble statistics: the minimum (min), fifth percentile (q5), median, mean, 95th percentile (q95) and maximum trend (max), as well as the number and fraction of ensemble members with a positive (n.pos, f.pos) and negative (n.neg, f.neg) trend. The results of the trend analysis can be displayed visually with the function trendplot.dsensemble, which is called from trend.dsensemble if the argument plot=TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'dsensemble'
trend(x, ..., it = NULL, verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE, eof = FALSE)



an object of type 'dsensemble'


time index (see subset)


if TRUE print progress


if TRUE show results visually on a map


if TRUE and if the dsensemble object contains a spatially aggregated pattern, x$eof, expand with x$eof into an ensemble of field objects to which the trend analysis is applied. If FALSE, expand using the original pattern x$pca into an ensemble of station objects to be aggregated.

See Also

trendplot.dsensemble map.dsensemble aggregate.dsensemble

metno/esd documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 6:44 p.m.