
## KMP 2018-11-02: Moved DSE to demo and commented it out because it can only be run on Abdelkader's computer!
# ## A. Mezghani - DownScale the CMIP5 ensemble seasonal mean and standard deviation for temperature for several stations
# ##
# DSE <- function(stid="18700",cntr="NORWAY",src="METNOD",param="t2m",lon=c(-10,10),lat=c(-10,10),
#                 FUN="mean",path="CMIP5.monthly",rcp="rcp45",biascorrect=TRUE,predictor="",
#                 email=NULL,save=TRUE,force=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,out.dir="dse.test6",update=FALSE,plot=TRUE,
#       ,select=1:3,it=NULL,...) {
#     source("/home/abdelkaderm/R_scripts/DSensemble.month.R")
#     ## email=""
#     if (!is.null(email))
#         if (!library(sendmailR,logical.return=TRUE))
#             install.packages("sendmailR")
#         else library(sendmailR)
#     ## Define output directory and create it if does not exist
#     out.path <- file.path(path,rcp,out.dir)
#     if (!file.exists(out.path)) dir.create(out.path)
#     ## Search for temporary files ~
#     tmpfile <- list.files(pattern="~",out.path,full.names=TRUE)
#     file.remove(tmpfile)
#     ## grep for files
#     lfiles <- list.files(pattern="DSE",out.path,full.names=TRUE)
#     files <- list.files(pattern="DSE",out.path)
#     ## check if inventory file exists and is updated
#     ## check if log file exists
#     logfile <- file.path(out.path,"dse-log.txt") 
#     if (!file.exists(logfile) | ($size==0)) {
#         file.create(logfile)
#         if (verbose) print(paste("Creating log file --> ",logfile))
#     }
#     ## browser()
#     ## Checking inv file
#     invfile <- file.path(out.path,"dse-inv.txt")
#     if ((!file.exists(invfile) | ($size==0))) {
#         if (verbose) print(paste("Creating/Generating inventory file", invfile))
#         meta <- data.frame(NULL)
#     }
#     else {
#         meta <- data.frame(read.csv(invfile,header=TRUE,sep=";"))
#         ## open connection to invfile and append data
#         ## finv <- file(file.path(out.path,invfile),"at")  
#     }
#     ## browser()
#     ## stopifnot(!missing(ss),inherits(ss,"stationmeta"),file.exists(file.path(path,rcp)))
#     ## open log and inv file 
#     flog <- file(logfile,"at")  
#     ## writeLines(paste("#",date(),sep=""),con=flog)
#     finv <- file(invfile,"at")
#     ## writeLines(paste("#",date(),sep=""),con=finv)
#     ## browser()
#     ## select stations
#     ss <- select.station(stid=stid,cntr=cntr,src=src,param=param,it=it,...)
#     ## browser()
#     if ( {
#         col <- rev(terrain.colors(n=10))
#         map(ss,cex=0.8,bg="grey",col="grey50",xlim=c(-50,180),ylim=c(0,90),height=10,width=10)
#         ## rect(xleft=lon[1],xright=lon[2],ybottom=lat[1],ytop=lat[2],border="red",lwd=1)
#         ## devid <- dev.cur()
#     }
#     ## browser()
#     if (!is.null(ss)) {
#         ## if (is.null(dim(y)) & !is.null(length(y))) d <- 1 else d <- dim(y)[2] 
#         d <- length(ss$location)
#         k <- 0 ## counter
#         for (i in 1:d) { 
#             k <- k + 1
#             ## open connections to the log and inv files
#             flog <- file(logfile,"at")
#             finv <- file(invfile,"at")
#             ## retrieve station meta data
#             loc <- ss$location[i]
#             param <- toupper(esd2ele(ss$element[i]))
#             src <-  ss$source[i]
#             stid <- ss$station_id[i]
#             text <- paste(param,loc,stid,src,rcp)
#             ## retrieve data for selected station
#             if (verbose) print(paste("Retrieving",text))      
#             eval(parse(text=paste("y <- station.",tolower(src),"(stid=stid,param=tolower(param),...)",sep="")))
#             lon.1 <- round( attr(y,'longitude') + lon )
#             lat.1 <- round( attr(y,'latitude') + lat )
#             ##if (
#             ##  rect(xleft=lon.1[1],xright=lon.1[2],ybottom=lat.1[1],ytop=lat.1[2],border="red",lwd=1)
#             ## Keep only first stations if many variates
#             if (length(attr(y,"station_id")>1)) y <- subset(y,is=1)
#             attr(y,"aspect") <- "original"
#             ## browser()
#             if (verbose) str(y)
#             if (!is.null(y)) {        
#                 ## look for existing files
#                 ## generate file name
#                 rea <-strsplit(predictor,split="_")[[1]][1]
#                 loc <- gsub(" ","",loc(y),fixed=TRUE)
#                 loc <- gsub("/","-",loc,fixed=TRUE) ## replace "/" by "-" if any
#                 loc <- gsub("(","-",loc,fixed=TRUE) ## replace "(" by "-" if any
#                 loc <- gsub(")","-",loc,fixed=TRUE) ## replace ")" by "-" if any
#                 type <- "season"
#                 dom <- list(lon=round((lon(y)+lon)),lat=round(lat(y)+lat))
#                 reaexp <- paste(rea,rcp,sep="-")
#                 srcvar <- toupper(paste(attr(y,"source"),substr(type,1,1),FUN,attr(y,"variable"),sep="-"))
#                 txtdom <- paste("LON",dom$lon[1],"E",dom$lon[2],"E&LAT",dom$lat[1],"N",dom$lat[2],"N",sep="")
#                 filename = paste(paste("DSE",loc,srcvar,toupper(reaexp),txtdom,sep="_"),".rda",sep="")
#                 ## browser()
#                 if (!file.exists(file.path(out.path,filename)) | force) {
#                     ## Do the downscaling
#                     class(ss) <- "data.frame"
#                     print(paste("DOWNSCALING MONTHLY",toupper(FUN),text))
#                     ## if (plot) par(new=TRUE)
#                     if (tolower(param)=='t2m') {
#                         z <- try(DSensemble.month(y,FUN=FUN,rcp=rcp,predictor=predictor,biascorrect=biascorrect,path=path,lon=lon,lat=lat,select=select,plot=FALSE,...))
#                         attr(z,"method") <- FUN
#                     } else if (tolower(param)=='precip') {
#                         z <- try(DSensemble.precip(y,FUN=FUN,rcp=rcp,predictor=predictor,biascorrect=biascorrect,path=path,lon=lon,lat=lat,select=select,plot=FALSE,...))
#                         attr(z,"method") <- FUN
#                     } else z <- NULL   
#                 }
#                 else {
#                     print(paste("Seems like the file",files[i]," exists and that the station has already been downscaled. Please set the argument force to TRUE to overwrite it")) 
#                     load(file.path(out.path,filename),envir=environment()) 
#                 }
#                 ## close current figure
#                 ## if (plot)
#                 ## browser()
#                 ## write errors in flog
#                 if (inherits(z,"try-error")) {    
#                     txt <- as.character(i)
#                     txt <- paste(txt,tolower(src(y)),type,FUN,varid(y),stid(y),loc(y),cntr(y),lon(y),lat(y),alt(y),esd2ele(varid(y)),start(y),end(y),sep=";")
#                     txt <- paste(text,start(y),end(y),paste(summary(y)[,2],collapse=";"))
#                     writeLines(paste(text,start(y),end(y),paste(summary(y)[,2],collapse=";"),length(y),sep=";"),con=flog)
#                     writeLines(z[[1]],con=flog)
#                     if ( {
#                         dev.prev()
#                         points(ss$longitude[i],ss$latitude[i],pch=4,col="red",cex=0.8)
#                     }
#                 }
#                 else if (!is.null(z)) {
#                     ## write meta for downscaled station
#                     ## writeLines(paste(text,start(y),end(y),paste(summary(y)[,2],collapse=" "),length(y),sep=" "),con=finv)
#                     if (save) save(file=file.path(out.path,filename),z)
#                     ## write meta data into inv file
#                     y <- attr(z,"station")
#                     type <- class(y)[2]
#                     print(attr(z,"scorestats"))
#                     qual <- mean(attr(z,"scorestats"))
#                     r2 <- mean(attr(z,"scorestats")[,1])
#                     print(r2)
#                     method <- FUN
#                     txt <- as.character(i)
#                     txt <- paste(txt,tolower(src(y)),type,method,varid(y),stid(y),loc(y),cntr(y),lon(y),lat(y),alt(y),esd2ele(varid(y)),start(y),end(y),sprintf("%3.2f", qual),filename,sep=";")
#                     writeLines(txt,con=finv)
#                     if (! {
# 		       if ( {
#                         ## dev.prev()
#                         ## browser()
#                         k <- 0 ; icn <- seq(0,1,0.1)
#                         for (c in 1:10) {
#                             id <- (icn[c] <= r2) & (r2 < icn[c+1])
#                             if (id) k <- c
#                         }
#                         points(ss$longitude[i],ss$latitude[i],pch=21,bg=col[k],col="black",cex=1) ## "darkgreen"
#                         ##
#                        }
#                     }
# 		}
#                 ##} ##else print(paste("Seems like the file",files[i]," exists and that the station has already been downscaled. Please set the argument force to TRUE to overwrite it"))   
#                 ## close connection with log and inv file
#                 close(flog)
#                 close(finv)
#             }
#             con <- file(logfile,"rt")
#             msg <- readLines(con)
#             close(con)
#         } 
#     }
#     ## close connection to the log file
#     ## capture.output(
#     ## browser()
#     ## close log and inv files
#     ##close(flog)
#     ##close(finv)
#     ## send Notification by email
#     if (!is.null(email))
#         sendmail(from=paste("<",email,">",sep=''),to=paste("<",email,">",sep=''),subject=paste("DOWNSCALING COMPLETED - THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL FROM DSE Function",file.path(path,"dse")),msg=msg)
#     else return(NULL)
#     invisible(z)
#     ## update the meta file
#     if (update) meta.dse(out.path)
# }
# meta.dse <- function(path="CMIP5.monthly/rcp45/dse",plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
#     ## browser()
#     invfile <- file.path(path,"dse-inv.txt")
#     options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#     if (!file.exists(invfile) |$size==0) {
#         if (verbose) print(paste("Creating/Generating inventory file", invfile))
#         meta <- data.frame(NULL)
#     }
#     else {
#         meta <- data.frame(read.csv(invfile,header=TRUE,sep=";"))
#         ## open connection to invfile and append data
#         ## finv <- file(file.path(path,invfile),"at")  
#     }
#     ## browser()
#     ## grep for files
#     lfiles <- list.files(pattern="DSE",path,full.names=TRUE)
#     files <- list.files(pattern="DSE",path)
#     ## browser()
#     ## Generates inventory file if does not exist or has not been updated
#     if ((length(lfiles)>0) & ((dim(meta)[1]==0) | (dim(meta)[1]!=length(lfiles)))) {## create new meta files from dse folder
#         ## creates new file
#         if (verbose) print("CREATE/UPDATE META FILE")
#         file.create(invfile)
#         ## open connection to invfile
#         finv <- file(invfile,"at")
#         ## Insert header to invfile
#         if ($size==0)
#             writeLines(paste(c("id","source","type","fun","variable","station_id","location","country","longitude","latitude","altitude","element","start","end","score","filename"),collapse=";"),con=finv)
#         ## loap on dse list of files 
#         for (i in 1:length(lfiles)) {
#             load(lfiles[i])
#             y <- attr(z,"station")
#             type <- class(y)[2]
#             qual <- mean(attr(z,"scorestats"))
#             method <- attr(z,"method") ## deparse(substitute(FUN))
#             txt <- as.character(i)
#             txt <- paste(txt,tolower(src(y)),type,method,varid(y),stid(y),loc(y),cntr(y),lon(y),lat(y),alt(y),esd2ele(varid(y)),start(y),end(y),sprintf("%3.2f", qual),files[i],sep=";")
#             writeLines(txt,con=finv)
#             if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
#             if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i/length(lfiles))
#         } 
#         if (verbose) close(pb)
#         close(finv)
#         if (verbose) print("DONE !")
#     }
#     class(meta) <- "stationmeta"
#     meta$call <-
#     if (is.null(meta))
#         if (plot) map(meta)
#     invisible(meta)
# }
# as.residual.ds <- function (x,detrend=TRUE) {
#     yo <- attr(x, "original_data")
#     yf <- attr(x, "fitted_values")
#     if (detrend)
#         y <- trend(yf,result="residual") - trend(yo,result="residual")
#     else
#         y <- yf - yo
#     y <- attrcp(x, y)
#     attr(y, "aspect") <- "residual"
#     attr(y, "history") <- history.stamp(x)
#     class(y) <- class(attr(x, "calibration_data"))
#     invisible(y)
# }
# <- function(x,horiz=TRUE,v=1,h=1,col=col,cex=0.7,type="r",...) {
#     xleft <- par()$usr[1] 
#     xright <- par()$usr[2]
#     ybottom <- par()$usr[4] - 1 - h
#     ytop <-  par()$usr[4] - 1 
#     steps <-   seq(0, (xright -xleft - v * (length(col))) , (xright - xleft - v * (length(col)))/(length(col))) # 
#     nsteps <- length(steps) - 1 
#     icn <- seq(0,1,1/nsteps) ; print(icn)
#     k <- 0
#     for (i in 1 :nsteps) {  
#         if (!is.null(v)) 
#             if (i == 1) k <- v/2 else k <- k + v  
#         if (type == "r") { ## "r" for rectangle
#             rect(xleft= k  + xleft + steps[i] ,xright= k + xleft + steps[i+1],ybottom=ybottom,ytop=ytop,col=col[i])
#             text(x = k + xleft + steps[i],  y = ybottom - 1, labels=sprintf("%.1f",icn[i]),cex=cex)
#             text(x = k + xleft + steps[i+1],y = ybottom - 1, labels=sprintf("%.1f",icn[i+1]),cex=cex)
#             ## text(x = k + xleft + steps[i], y = ybottom - 1,labels=sprintf("%.1f",icn[i]),cex=cex)
#         }
#         else if (type == "p") { ## "p" points
#             points(x= k + xleft + (steps[i]+ steps[i+1])/2, y=(ybottom + ytop)/2,pch=21, bg=col[i],cex=v)
#             text(x = k + xleft + steps[i],  y = ybottom - 1, labels=sprintf("%.1f",icn[i]),cex=cex)
#             text(x = k + xleft + steps[i+1],y = ybottom - 1, labels=sprintf("%.1f",icn[i+1]),cex=cex)
#         }
#     }
# }
metno/esd documentation built on April 24, 2024, 9:19 p.m.