
pmplots is an R package to generate exploratory and diagnostic plots commonly of interest in pharamcometrics. Each function in pmplots is named according to the specific plot it generates via calls to functions in the ggplot2 R package.

This document lists the functional requirements for the pmplots package.

Requirements for pharamcometric plotting package pmplots


x <- yaml.load_file("spec.yml")

handles <- names(x)

x <- lapply(seq_along(handles), function(i) {
  handle <- handles[i]
    i  = i,
    handle  = handle,
    sec = x[[i]]$section,
    req = x[[i]]$requirements
x <- bind_rows(x)

x <- mutate(x, rid = 1:n())
x <- select(x, Section = sec, RID = rid, Requirement = req)

x <- mutate(x, Section = paste0("__", Section, "__"))
x <- mutate(x, Section = if_else(duplicated(Section), "", Section))
#names(x)[1] <- paste0("Section",paste(rep("&nbsp;",6),collapse=""))
#x <- rename(x,`Section header&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;` = Section)
pander(x, justify = c("left","right", "left"), style = "multiline", 
       split.cells = c(20, 3, 40), split.tables = 80)

metrumresearchgroup/pmplots documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, noon