Man pages for metrumresearchgroup/pmplots
Plots for Pharmacometrics

add_densityAdd a density curve to a plot
as.list.pm_optsCoerce pm_opts object to a list
boxworkMake boxplots
cash-set-.pm_optsAssign a pmplots option
col_labelColumn // axis-label specification
cont_cat_panelCreate a display of continuous versus categorical covariates
cont_histGenerate a histogram plot
cwres_covariateCreate CWRES versus covariate displays
cwres_panelCreate a display of CWRES diagnostic plots
cwres_timePlot conditional weighted residuals versus time
defcxDefault setting for discrete x-axis scale
defxDefault setting for x-axis scale
defyDefault setting for continuous y-axis scale
dv_predPlot DV versus predicted values
dv_pred_ipredCreate plots showing DV, PRED, and IPRED by individual
dv_timePlot DV versus time
eta_catPlot ETAs versus categorical variables
eta_contPlot ETAs versus continuous variables
eta_covariateCreate ETA versus covariate displays
eta_histETA histograms
eta_labsMake ETA labels and col-labels
geom_3sAdditional reference lines
layerLayer functions
list_plotApply a plotting function to a vector of x or y values
logbrCreate breaks on log scale
log_scaleScale information for log transformation
npde_covariateCreate NPDE versus covariate displays
npde_panelCreate a display of NPDE diagnostic plots
npde_refInput parameters for NPDE reference lines
npde_scatterCreate a display of residuals versus time and predicted...
npde_timePlot NPDE versus time
pairs_lower_plotDefault plots for lower triangle
pairs_plotPairs plots using ggpairs
parse_labelParse the label part of a col_label
pm_axisGet defaults for plot axes
pm_axis_functionsFunctions to generate axis data
pm_boxPlot continuous variable against a categorical variable
pm_browserpmplots browser object
pm_gadgetpmplots browser gadget
pm_gridArrange a list of plots in a grid
pm_logIdentity and log scale helpers
pm_optsSet global plot options
pmplotsPlots for pharmacometrics
pmplots_dataExample data sets
pm_scatterPlot continuous variable versus continuous variable
pm_smoothsAdd loess line
pm_themeThe standard pmplots theme
pm_withArrange a named list of plots
print.pm_optsPrint the pm_opts object
res_catPlot residuals versus categorical variable
res_contPlot residuals versus continuous variables
res_histHistograms of residuals or NPDE
res_hist_qCreate a display of residual histograms and quantile-quantile...
res_predResiduals or NPDE versus predicted values
res_qQQ plot for conditional residuals or NPDE
res_timePlot residuals versus time
rot_atRotate axis tick marks in a list of plots
rot_xRotate axis text
rot_xyRotate the x or y axes for gg or patchwork objects
scattScatter plot function
split_plotSplit and plot
sub-.pm_optsExtract multiple pmplots options
supplement_cwresAdd 'CWRES' column from 'CWRESI' if needed
theme_plainA plain ggplot2 theme
with.pm_displaywith method for pm_display objects
wrap_plotsFaceted plots
wres_timePlot weighted residuals versus time
y_timePlot continuous data versus time
metrumresearchgroup/pmplots documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 4:15 p.m.