Man pages for metrumresearchgroup/rrsq
R interface to r simple queue (rsq)

any_button_creatorFunction to create special, user-defined buttons to be...
cancel_button_creatorFunction to create a cancel button to be rendered in a Data...
collect_r_detailsInformation about running R
dot-submit_jobsubmit job
get_queue_dataFunction to grab a dataframe of the jobs in the queue for the...
jobs_to_dfconvert list of jobs returned from db to a tidy dataframe
job_to_dfconvert a single job object into a dataframe.
map_dfrdon't use purrr as requires dplyr for map_dfr
null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'.
pipePipe operator
queueViewqueueView - Server-side function to call with callModule()
queueViewOutputqueueViewOutput - Data Table displaying the jobs currently in...
rsqCreate a new rsq server manager
time_differencecalculate the time difference
to_datetimeFunction to format an object into a datetime.
unbox_detailsunbox only elements that should be scalars
whoamiFunction to get the user, or a mock user when the user isn't...
metrumresearchgroup/rrsq documentation built on Aug. 20, 2021, 3:20 p.m.