
Defines functions team_season_stats

Documented in team_season_stats

#' Get Team Season Stats
#' Returns a dataframe of the overall team's season stats
#' for the sport and year chosen.
#' @param team_id Team ID from team_mapping
#' @param sport Tradiational Sport Name or Sport Code
#' @param year Actual Year
#' Note for seasons Year1-Year2, Year2 is what you want to use in the functions.
#' For example, the 2015-2016 season is denoted for 2016.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom xml2 "read_html"
#' @importFrom rvest "html_table"
#' @keywords Team Season Stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' team_season_stats(697,2016,"MBB")
#' team_season_stats(697,2015,"Womens Soccer")

team_season_stats <- function(team_id,year,sport){
  team_url <- team_url_stats(team_id,year,sport)
  stats_list <- read_html(team_url) %>% html_table()
  stats_df <- stats_list[[length(stats_list)]]
  team_df <- stats_df[(nrow(stats_df)-1):nrow(stats_df),]
  team_df$year <- year
  rm_cols <- c("Jersey","Yr","Pos","GP","GS")
  rm_cols <- rm_cols[rm_cols %in% names(team_df)]
  team_df <-  team_df[, !(colnames(team_df) %in% rm_cols)]
meysubb/ncaaR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:12 p.m.