CPAClassification: CPA classification

CPAClassificationR Documentation

CPA classification


Classification using constrained proportionate assignment method


  scores = c("prediction", "all", "none"),
  fcol = "markers",
  method = 3,



An instance of class "MSnSet".


One of "prediction", "all" or "none" to report the score for the predicted class only, for all classes or none.


The feature meta-data containing marker definitions. Default is markers.


An integer (1, 2 or 3) specifying wich Barzilai-Borwein steplength to use; default is 3. For more details see documentation from spg function from package BB.


Additional parameters passed to spg from package BB.


CPA was originally described by Michel Jadot et al. in 'Accounting for protein subcellular localization: A compartmental map of the rat liver proteome.', 2017. The goal of this method is to assign probabilities to each protein of belonging to an organelle. This way, we can potentially assign multiple organelles to proteins (a protain may have multiple locations). For this, it uses the mean profile of each organelle of the train dataset and then find the best coefficients to each profile to obtain the profile from a given protein. The coefficients are constrained to sum to one and bounded between 0 and 1 (so we can interpret them as probabilities). To solve this constrained optimization problem, we use spg function from BB package, as in the article. However, in this function, any treatments on the mean profiles are done, unlike in the article. So be sure of your reference proteins and use normalized data.


An instance of class "MSnSet" with CPA and CPA.scores feature variables storing the classification results and scores respectively.


res <- CPAClassification(tan2009r1)
getPredictions(res, fcol = "CPA")
getPredictions(res, fcol = "CPA", t = 0.75)
plot2D(res, fcol = "CPA")

mgerault/pRolocExtra documentation built on Sept. 15, 2022, 9:26 a.m.