
Defines functions eda_fval

Documented in eda_fval

#' @export
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @title Calculate quantile f-values
#' @description Calculates Fractional Values (f-Values).
#' @param x  Vector whose f-values are to be computed.
#' @param q.type  An integer specifying the algorithm to use for computing
#'   F-values.
#' @details  This function computes the fractional value (f-value) for each
#'  element in a numeric vector \code{x}. The f-value provides a measure of the
#'  position of a data point relative to the rest of the data, scaled to the
#'  range \[0,1\]. This fraction is sometimes reported as the
#'  probability or cumulative frequency. \cr
#'  \cr
#'  Different algorithms are used to compute the f-value. \code{eda_fval}
#'  offers as optional algorithm type \code{4} through \code{9} documented
#'  in \code{stats::quantile}. The algorithms used are: \cr \cr
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{4}: f = i / n,
#'     \item \code{5}: f = (i - 0.5) / n,
#'     \item \code{6}: f = i / (n + 1),
#'     \item \code{7}: f = (i  - 1) / (n - 1),
#'     \item \code{8}: f = (i - 1/3) / (n + 1/3),
#'     \item \code{9}: f = (i - 3/8) / (n + 1/4).}
#'   Where f is the fraction of values that lies below index i, and
#'   n is the total number values.
#' @returns A numeric vector of the same length as \code{x}, containing the f-values
#'   for each input value. The order of the returned f-values matches the input
#'   vector.
#' @seealso
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link[stats:quantile]{stats::quantile()}} for quantile calculations
#'   \item \code{\link{eda_qq}} for QQ plots}
#' @references
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item John M. Chambers, William S. Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, Paul A. Tukey.
#'   Graphical Methods for Data Analysis (1983)}
#' @examples
#'  set.seed(321)
#'  z <- round(runif(10, 1, 20))
#'  z
#'  # William Cleveland's f-values algorithm
#'  eda_fval(z)
#'  # Algorithm used by the stats::quantile() function
#'  eda_fval(z, q.type = 7)

eda_fval <- function(x, q.type = 5) {
  # Check if algorithm is between 4 and 9
  if (!q.type %in% 4:9) {
    stop("Algorithm must be a number between 4 and 9.")

  # Check if x is numeric
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("Data must be a numeric vector.")

  # Sort the x
  n <- length(x)
  ord <- rank(x, ties.method = "first")

  # Calculate the probabilities based on the algorithm
  fval <- switch(as.character(q.type),
                  # `4` = (1:n) / n,
                  # `5` = (1:n - 0.5) / n,
                  # `6` = (1:n) / (n + 1),
                  # `7` = ((1:n) - 1)/  (n - 1),
                  # `8` = (1:n - 1/3) / (n + 1/3),
                  # `9` = (1:n - 3/8) / (n + 1/4)
                 `4` = ord / n,
                 `5` = (ord - 0.5) / n,
                 `6` = ord / (n + 1),
                 `7` = (ord - 1)/  (n - 1),
                 `8` = (ord - 1/3) / (n + 1/3),
                 `9` = (ord - 3/8) / (n + 1/4)

  # Return a vector corresponding fractions
mgimond/tukeyedar documentation built on Feb. 1, 2025, 4:02 a.m.