Chameleon: 2D Data Sets used for the CHAMELEON Clustering Algorithm

ChameleonR Documentation

2D Data Sets used for the CHAMELEON Clustering Algorithm


Several 2D data sets created to evaluate the CHAMELEON clustering algorithm in the paper by Karypis et al (1999).


chameleon_ds4: The format is a 8,000 x 2 data.frame.

chameleon_ds5: The format is a 8,000 x 2 data.frame.

chameleon_ds7: The format is a 10,000 x 2 data.frame.

chameleon_ds8: The format is a 8,000 x 2 data.frame.


Karypis, G., EH. Han, V. Kumar (1999): CHAMELEON: A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Using Dynamic Modeling, IEEE Computer, 32(8): 68–75. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1109/2.781637")}

See Also

Other data: Irish, Munsingen, SupremeCourt, Townships, Wood, Zoo, create_lines_data(), is.robinson()



plot(chameleon_ds4, cex = .1)
plot(chameleon_ds5, cex = .1)
plot(chameleon_ds7, cex = .1)
plot(chameleon_ds8, cex = .1)

mhahsler/seriation documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 11:22 p.m.