
Defines functions buildDocList

Documented in buildDocList

# This function constructs a docList object.  The docList object is
# the foundation of the tei2r package and contains references to all
# of the basic information that is required to begin working with
# texts in R.  It holds corpus meta-data, the stopwords list, the
# corpus' home directory, filenames, and paths.
#' Create a structured list of your collection's metadata
#' @section Description:
#' The \code{docList} object is the foundation of the \code{tei2r} package and contains references
#' to all of the basic information that is required to begin working with
#' texts in R. The \code{buildDocList} function is designed to construct the \code{docList}
#' object with as much or as little information available. You can begin either with a
#' collection of plain-text or TEI-encoded documents stored in a folder (a 'directory'), or
#' you can begin by searching the EEBO-TCP collection and downloading their files using
#' \code{\link{tcpSearch}} and \code{\link{tcpDownload}}.
#' @param directory       A string that is the path to the directory where the
#'                        files that make up your corpus are located.
#' @param stopwordsFile   A string that is the path to the file that contains
#'                        the words that are to be removed from the text in the
#'                        \code{cleanup} function. If left blank, the default 
#'                        stopwords will be provided.
#' @param indexFile       A string that is the path to the index file for the
#'                        collection.  This function expects to find a .csv file
#'                        that contains the metadata for your collection, including
#'                        a column that points to the names of the files (with or
#'                        without the file extensions). If you do not have an index 
#'                        file, this parameter can be left blank and the collection will
#'                        take all files in the directory.
#' @param import          A logical vector. If TRUE, the texts will be imported to your
#'                        \code{docList} and stored as a list of character vectors. This runs
#'                        the \code{\link{importTexts}} function over the collection, which
#'                        in turn performs a \code{\link{cleanup}} function that processed
#'                        the texts for analysis.
#' @param normalize       A logical vector. If TRUE, the texts will be normalized upon
#'                        import.                       
#' @return dl             The completed \code{docList} object for use with the other
#'                        functions of the \code{tei2r} package.
#' @examples
#' dl = buildDocList(directory="~/path/to/your/collection/files")
#' dl = buildDocList(directory = "~/path/to/your/collection/files", stopwordsFile = "~/path/to/your/stopwords/file", indexFile = "~/path/to/your/index/File/")
#' @export
buildDocList = function(directory = "", stopwordsFile = "", indexFile ="", import = TRUE, normalize = TRUE) {
  dl = docList()
  if(directory == "") {
    stop("You must enter the correct path to your directory; that is, the
         folder that contains your document collection. Be sure to have
         the path correct.")
  } else {
    dl@directory = directory    
  if(indexFile == "") {
    print("No index file provided. Using file names as identifiers.")
    dl@indexFile = ""
    dl@index = data.frame(dir(directory))
    dl@filenames = dir(directory)
    dl@paths = paste(directory,dl@filenames,sep="")
  } else {
    dl@indexFile = indexFile
    dl@index = read.csv(dl@indexFile,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    dl@filenames = findFilenames(dl = dl, directory = directory)
    dl@paths = paste(dl@directory,"/",dl@filenames,sep="")
  dl@stopwordsFile = stopwordsFile
  if(stopwordsFile != "") {
    dl@stopwords = setStopwords(stopwordsFile)
  } else {
    dl@stopwords = stopwords
  if (import == TRUE) {
    dl = importTexts(dl, normalize = normalize)
michaelgavin/tei2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.