knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Example: DiMDS

The data

Text here about array of sorting distances.

#read in the data
SortFree_36 <- read.csv('C:/Users/Michael A. Kriegsman/Google Drive/Projects/DiDiSTATIS_Composers/WithMoreSubj_ForDissertation/natural36_free_forR.csv', row.names=1)
Sort <- SortFree_36[-37,]


Text here about subjects nested by level of musical experience--low, medium, high.

#create the design. B, the design matrix for the A=36 musical pieces nested in the B=3 composers.

MusExp <- t(SortFree_36[37,]) #subjects' musical experience
colnames(MusExp) <- "MusExp"

#Bin them
#Low, Mid, High MusExp
DESIGN <- list()
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec <- MusExp
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec[MusExp < 1] <- 'Low'
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec[MusExp >= 1 & MusExp < 5] <- 'Mid'
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec[MusExp >= 5] <- 'High'

#Create the DESIGN_mat
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat <- makeNominalData(as.matrix(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec))
#With columns in a logical order
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat <- DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat[,c('MusExp.Low','MusExp.Mid','MusExp.High')]

#Set group colors
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_D  <- c("dodgerblue", "tomato2", "goldenrod")
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD <- DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec
#(e.g., Subjects in group "Low" <- "dodgerblue")
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD <- replace(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD, which(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec=="Low"), DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_D[1])
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD <- replace(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD, which(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec=="Mid"), DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_D[2])
DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD <- replace(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD, which(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_vec=="High"), DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_D[3])

Also, (only) for color-coding purposes... DESIGN_rows

#create the design. B, the design matrix for the A=36 musical pieces nested in the B=3 composers.
DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat <- makeNominalData(as.matrix(rep(1:3,each=12)))
colnames(DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat) <- c('Bach', 'Beethoven', 'Mozart')
DESIGN$rows$Composer_colors_B  <- prettyGraphsColorSelection(3, offset=3) #prettyGraphs::createColorVectorsByDesign(DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat)$gc
DESIGN$rows$Composer_colors_AB <- rep(prettyGraphsColorSelection(3, offset=3), each=12) #prettyGraphs::createColorVectorsByDesign(DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat)$oc

Let's go for it

## Preprocess
#Convert Sort to Distance
D2_array <- DistanceFromSort(Sort)

A  <- dim(D2_array)[1]
B  <- ncol(DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat)
CD <- dim(D2_array)[3] # == nrow(DESIGN_tables)
D  <- ncol(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)
#take in an array of squared distance matrices, and a DESIGN on the tables, and return everything
res_HMFA <- HMFA(D2_array, DESIGN_tables = DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat, main = "FreeSort36 Composers")
### Actually... this code doesn't produce figures in Rmd, so I'm gonna break HiDiSTATIS.R into its functions and paste them into the chunk below

michaelkriegsman/DiDiSTATIS documentation built on May 16, 2020, 7:31 a.m.