
calcWorkHours <-
    function # ^ Calculate hours per week and topic for a given workdays-list
    wd_list               # ^ slot wd of an object of class "workdays"
     week_topics <-
         levels(as.factor(unlist(sapply(wd_list@wd, function(x){x@topic}))))
     workweek_df <- data.frame(topics = week_topics, hours = 0)
                for ( i in seq(along = x@topic) ) {
                    index <- which(workweek_df$topics == x@topic[i])
                    workweek_df$hours[index] <<-
                        workweek_df$hours[index] + x@hours[i]
     new("Workweek", topics = week_topics,
         hours = workweek_df[,2]
}                           # ^ Returns and object of class "workweek"
michelk/logbuch.R documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:55 p.m.