set_run_info: Set up finnts submission

View source: R/run_info.R

set_run_infoR Documentation

Set up finnts submission


Creates list object of information helpful in logging information about your run.


  experiment_name = "finn_fcst",
  run_name = "finn_fcst",
  storage_object = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  data_output = "csv",
  object_output = "rds",
  add_unique_id = TRUE



Name used to group similar runs under a single experiment name.


Name to distinguish one run of Finn from another. The current time in UTC is appended to the run name to ensure a unique run name is created.


Used to store outputs during a run to other storage services in Azure. Could be a storage container object from the 'AzureStor' package to connect to ADLS blob storage or a OneDrive/SharePoint object from the 'Microsoft365R' package to connect to a OneDrive folder or SharePoint site. Default of NULL will save outputs to the local file system.


String showing what file path the outputs should be written to. Default of NULL will write the outputs to a temporary directory within R, which will delete itself after the R session closes.


String value describing the file type for data outputs. Default will write data frame outputs as csv files. The other option of 'parquet' will instead write parquet files.


String value describing the file type for object outputs. Default will write object outputs like trained models as rds files. The other option of 'qs' will instead serialize R objects as qs files by using the 'qs' package.


Add a unique id to end of run_name based on submission time. Set to FALSE to supply your own unique run name, which is helpful in multistage ML pipelines.


A list of run information


run_info <- set_run_info(
  experiment_name = "test_exp",
  run_name = "test_run_1"

microsoft/finnts documentation built on Feb. 23, 2025, 12:18 p.m.