
Defines functions get_run_info set_run_info

Documented in get_run_info set_run_info

#' Set up finnts submission
#' Creates list object of information helpful in logging information
#'   about your run.
#' @param experiment_name Name used to group similar runs under a
#'   single experiment name.
#' @param run_name Name to distinguish one run of Finn from another.
#'   The current time in UTC is appended to the run name to ensure
#'   a unique run name is created.
#' @param storage_object Used to store outputs during a run to other
#'   storage services in Azure. Could be a storage container object from
#'   the 'AzureStor' package to connect to ADLS blob storage or a
#'   OneDrive/SharePoint object from the 'Microsoft365R' package to connect
#'   to a OneDrive folder or SharePoint site. Default of NULL will save outputs
#'   to the local file system.
#' @param path String showing what file path the outputs should be written to.
#'   Default of NULL will write the outputs to a temporary directory within R,
#'   which will delete itself after the R session closes.
#' @param data_output String value describing the file type for data outputs.
#'   Default will write data frame outputs as csv files. The other option
#'   of 'parquet' will instead write parquet files.
#' @param object_output String value describing the file type for object
#'   outputs. Default will write object outputs like trained models as
#'   rds files. The other option of 'qs' will instead serialize R objects
#'   as qs files by using the 'qs' package.
#' @param add_unique_id Add a unique id to end of run_name based on submission time.
#'   Set to FALSE to supply your own unique run name, which is helpful in
#'   multistage ML pipelines.
#' @return A list of run information
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' run_info <- set_run_info(
#'   experiment_name = "test_exp",
#'   run_name = "test_run_1"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
set_run_info <- function(experiment_name = "finn_fcst",
                         run_name = "finn_fcst",
                         storage_object = NULL,
                         path = NULL,
                         data_output = "csv",
                         object_output = "rds",
                         add_unique_id = TRUE) {
  # initial input checks
  if (!inherits(run_name, c("NULL", "character"))) {
    stop("`run_name` must either be a NULL or a string")

  if (!inherits(storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive", "NULL"))) {
    stop("`storage_object` must either be a NULL or a Azure Blob Storage,
          OneDrive, or SharePoint document library object")

  if (!inherits(path, c("NULL", "character"))) {
    stop("`path` must either be a NULL or a string")

  if (inherits(storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive")) &
    is.null(path)) {
    path <- ""

  # create dir paths

  prep_data_folder <- "prep_data"
  prep_models_folder <- "prep_models"
  models_folder <- "models"
  forecasts_folder <- "forecasts"
  logs_folder <- "logs"

  if (is.null(path)) {
    path <- fs::path(tempdir())

    fs::dir_create(tempdir(), prep_data_folder)
    fs::dir_create(tempdir(), prep_models_folder)
    fs::dir_create(tempdir(), models_folder)
    fs::dir_create(tempdir(), forecasts_folder)
    fs::dir_create(tempdir(), logs_folder)
  } else if (is.null(storage_object) & substr(path, 1, 6) == "/synfs") {
    temp_path <- stringr::str_replace(path, "/synfs/", "synfs:/")

    if (!dir.exists(fs::path(path, prep_data_folder) %>% as.character())) {
      notebookutils::mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs(fs::path(temp_path, prep_data_folder) %>% as.character())

    if (!dir.exists(fs::path(path, prep_models_folder) %>% as.character())) {
      notebookutils::mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs(fs::path(temp_path, prep_models_folder) %>% as.character())

    if (!dir.exists(fs::path(path, models_folder) %>% as.character())) {
      notebookutils::mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs(fs::path(temp_path, models_folder) %>% as.character())

    if (!dir.exists(fs::path(path, forecasts_folder) %>% as.character())) {
      notebookutils::mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs(fs::path(temp_path, forecasts_folder) %>% as.character())

    if (!dir.exists(fs::path(path, logs_folder) %>% as.character())) {
      notebookutils::mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs(fs::path(temp_path, logs_folder) %>% as.character())
  } else if (is.null(storage_object)) {
    fs::dir_create(path, prep_data_folder)
    fs::dir_create(path, prep_models_folder)
    fs::dir_create(path, models_folder)
    fs::dir_create(path, forecasts_folder)
    fs::dir_create(path, logs_folder)
  } else if (inherits(storage_object, "blob_container")) {
    AzureStor::create_storage_dir(storage_object, fs::path(path, prep_data_folder))
    AzureStor::create_storage_dir(storage_object, fs::path(path, prep_models_folder))
    AzureStor::create_storage_dir(storage_object, fs::path(path, models_folder))
    AzureStor::create_storage_dir(storage_object, fs::path(path, forecasts_folder))
    AzureStor::create_storage_dir(storage_object, fs::path(path, logs_folder))
  } else if (inherits(storage_object, "ms_drive")) {
    try(storage_object$create_folder(fs::path(path, prep_data_folder)), silent = TRUE)
    try(storage_object$create_folder(fs::path(path, prep_models_folder)), silent = TRUE)
    try(storage_object$create_folder(fs::path(path, models_folder)), silent = TRUE)
    try(storage_object$create_folder(fs::path(path, forecasts_folder)), silent = TRUE)
    try(storage_object$create_folder(fs::path(path, logs_folder)), silent = TRUE)

  # see if there is an existing log file to leverage
  if (add_unique_id) {
    run_name <- paste0(
      run_name, "-",
      format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", tz = "UTC")

  temp_run_info <- list(
    experiment_name = experiment_name,
    run_name = run_name,
    storage_object = storage_object,
    path = path,
    data_output = data_output,
    object_output = object_output

  log_df <- tryCatch(
      path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_name), ".csv"),
      return_type = "df"
    error = function(e) {
  ) %>%

  if (nrow(log_df) > 0 & add_unique_id == FALSE) {
    # check if input values have changed
    current_log_df <- tibble::tibble(
      experiment_name = experiment_name,
      run_name = run_name,
      path = gsub("synfs(/notebook)?/\\d+", "synfs", path), # remove synapse id to prevent issues
      data_output = data_output,
      object_output = object_output
    ) %>%

    prev_log_df <- log_df %>%
      dplyr::select(colnames(current_log_df)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(path = gsub("synfs(/notebook)?/\\d+", "synfs", path)) %>% # remove synapse id to prevent issues

    if (hash_data(current_log_df) != hash_data(prev_log_df)) {
      stop("Inputs have recently changed in 'set_run_info',
           please revert back to original inputs or start a
           new run with 'set_run_info'",
        call. = FALSE

    output_list <- list(
      experiment_name = experiment_name,
      run_name = run_name,
      created = log_df$created,
      storage_object = storage_object,
      path = path,
      data_output = data_output,
      object_output = object_output

  } else {
    created <- as.POSIXct(format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", tz = "UTC"),
      format = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", tz = "UTC"

    output_list <- list(
      experiment_name = experiment_name,
      run_name = run_name,
      created = created,
      storage_object = storage_object,
      path = path,
      data_output = data_output,
      object_output = object_output

    output_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
      experiment_name = experiment_name,
      run_name = run_name,
      created = created,
      path = path,
      data_output = data_output,
      object_output = object_output

      x = output_tbl,
      combo = NULL,
      run_info = output_list,
      output_type = "log",
      folder = "logs",
      suffix = NULL

      "Finn Submission Info",
      "*" = paste0("Experiment Name: ", experiment_name),
      "*" = paste0("Run Name: ", run_name),


#' Get run info
#' Lets you get all of the logging associated with a specific experiment or run.
#' @param experiment_name Name used to group similar runs under a
#'   single experiment name.
#' @param run_name Name to distinguish one run of Finn from another.
#'   The current time in UTC is appended to the run name to ensure
#'   a unique run name is created.
#' @param storage_object Used to store outputs during a run to other
#'   storage services in Azure. Could be a storage container object from
#'   the 'AzureStor' package to connect to ADLS blob storage or a
#'   OneDrive/SharePoint object from the 'Microsoft365R' package to connect
#'   to a OneDrive folder or SharePoint site. Default of NULL will save outputs
#'   to the local file system.
#' @param path String showing what file path the outputs should be written to.
#'   Default of NULL will write the outputs to a temporary directory within R,
#'   which will delete itself after the R session closes.
#' @return Data frame of run log information
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' run_info <- set_run_info(
#'   experiment_name = "finn_forecast",
#'   run_name = "test_run"
#' )
#' run_info_tbl <- get_run_info(
#'   experiment_name = "finn_forecast"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
get_run_info <- function(experiment_name = NULL,
                         run_name = NULL,
                         storage_object = NULL,
                         path = NULL) {
  # input checks
  if (!inherits(run_name, c("NULL", "character"))) {
    stop("`run_name` must either be a NULL or a string")

  if (!inherits(storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive", "NULL"))) {
    stop("`storage_object` must either be a NULL or a Azure Blob Storage, OneDrive, or SharePoint document library object")

  if (!inherits(path, c("NULL", "character"))) {
    stop("`path` must either be a NULL or a string")

  if (inherits(storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive")) & is.null(path)) {
    path <- ""

  # run info formatting
  if (is.null(experiment_name)) {
    experiment_name_final <- "*"
  } else {
    experiment_name_final <- hash_data(experiment_name)

  if (is.null(run_name)) {
    run_name_final <- "*"
  } else {
    run_name_final <- hash_data(run_name)

  info_list <- list(
    storage_object = storage_object,
    path = path

  # read run metadata
  file_path <- paste0(
    "/logs/*", experiment_name_final, "-",
    run_name_final, ".csv"

  run_tbl <- read_file(info_list,
    path = file_path,
    return_type = "df"

microsoft/finnts documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:34 p.m.