#' Get Final Forecast Data
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @param return_type return type
#' @return table of final forecast results
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data_tbl <- timetk::m4_monthly %>%
#' dplyr::rename(Date = date) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(
#' id == "M2",
#' Date >= "2012-01-01",
#' Date <= "2015-06-01"
#' )
#' run_info <- set_run_info()
#' prep_data(run_info,
#' input_data = data_tbl,
#' combo_variables = c("id"),
#' target_variable = "value",
#' date_type = "month",
#' forecast_horizon = 3,
#' recipes_to_run = "R1"
#' )
#' prep_models(run_info,
#' models_to_run = c("arima", "ets"),
#' num_hyperparameters = 1
#' )
#' train_models(run_info,
#' run_local_models = TRUE
#' )
#' final_models(run_info,
#' average_models = FALSE
#' )
#' fcst_tbl <- get_forecast_data(run_info)
#' }
#' @export
get_forecast_data <- function(run_info,
return_type = "df") {
# check input values
check_input_type("run_info", run_info, "list")
check_input_type("return_type", return_type, "character", c("df", "sdf"))
# get input values
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
combo_variables <- strsplit(log_df$combo_variables, split = "---")[[1]]
forecast_approach <- log_df$forecast_approach
# get train test split data
model_train_test_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(
"/prep_models/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name),
"-train_test_split.", run_info$data_output
return_type = return_type
) %>%
dplyr::select(Run_Type, Train_Test_ID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Train_Test_ID = as.numeric(Train_Test_ID))
# check if data has been condensed
cond_path <- paste0(
run_info$path, "/forecasts/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*condensed", ".", run_info$data_output
condensed_files <- list_files(run_info$storage_object, fs::path(cond_path))
if (length(condensed_files) > 0) {
condensed <- TRUE
} else {
condensed <- FALSE
# get forecast data
if (forecast_approach != "bottoms_up") {
fcst_path <- paste0(
"/forecasts/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*reconciled", ".", run_info$data_output
} else if (condensed) {
fcst_path <- paste0(
"/forecasts/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*condensed", ".", run_info$data_output
} else {
fcst_path <- paste0(
"/forecasts/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*models", ".", run_info$data_output
forecast_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = fcst_path,
return_type = return_type
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Train_Test_ID = as.numeric(Train_Test_ID)) %>%
by = "Train_Test_ID"
) %>%
dplyr::relocate(Run_Type, .before = Train_Test_ID) %>%
dplyr::select(-Combo_ID, -Hyperparameter_ID) %>%
dplyr::relocate(Combo) %>%
dplyr::arrange(Combo, dplyr::desc(Best_Model), Model_ID, Train_Test_ID, Date) %>%
col = Combo,
into = combo_variables,
remove = FALSE,
sep = "--"
) %>%
#' Get Final Trained Models
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @return table of final trained models
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data_tbl <- timetk::m4_monthly %>%
#' dplyr::rename(Date = date) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(
#' id == "M2",
#' Date >= "2012-01-01",
#' Date <= "2015-06-01"
#' )
#' run_info <- set_run_info()
#' prep_data(run_info,
#' input_data = data_tbl,
#' combo_variables = c("id"),
#' target_variable = "value",
#' date_type = "month",
#' forecast_horizon = 3,
#' recipes_to_run = "R1"
#' )
#' prep_models(run_info,
#' models_to_run = c("arima", "ets"),
#' num_hyperparameters = 1
#' )
#' train_models(run_info,
#' run_global_models = FALSE,
#' run_local_models = TRUE
#' )
#' final_models(run_info,
#' average_models = FALSE
#' )
#' models_tbl <- get_trained_models(run_info)
#' }
#' @export
get_trained_models <- function(run_info) {
# check input values
check_input_type("run_info", run_info, "list")
# get trained files
model_path <- paste0(
"/models/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name),
"-*_models.", run_info$object_output
trained_model_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = model_path,
return_type = "df"
#' Get Prepped Data
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @param recipe recipe to return. Either a value of "R1" or "R2"
#' @param return_type return type
#' @return table of prepped data
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data_tbl <- timetk::m4_monthly %>%
#' dplyr::rename(Date = date) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(
#' id == "M2",
#' Date >= "2012-01-01",
#' Date <= "2015-06-01"
#' )
#' run_info <- set_run_info()
#' prep_data(run_info,
#' input_data = data_tbl,
#' combo_variables = c("id"),
#' target_variable = "value",
#' date_type = "month",
#' forecast_horizon = 3,
#' recipes_to_run = "R1"
#' )
#' R1_prepped_data_tbl <- get_prepped_data(run_info,
#' recipe = "R1"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
get_prepped_data <- function(run_info,
return_type = "df") {
# check input values
check_input_type("run_info", run_info, "list")
check_input_type("recipe", recipe, "character", c("R1", "R2"))
check_input_type("return_type", return_type, "character", c("df", "sdf"))
# get input values
log_df <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0("logs/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), ".csv"),
return_type = "df"
combo_variables <- strsplit(log_df$combo_variables, split = "---")[[1]]
# get prepped data
data_path <- paste0(
"/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*", recipe, ".", run_info$data_output
prep_data_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = data_path,
return_type = return_type
) %>%
col = Combo,
into = combo_variables,
remove = FALSE
) %>%
#' Get Prepped Model Info
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @return table with data related to model workflows, hyperparameters, and back testing
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data_tbl <- timetk::m4_monthly %>%
#' dplyr::rename(Date = date) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(id)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(
#' id == "M2",
#' Date >= "2012-01-01",
#' Date <= "2015-06-01"
#' )
#' run_info <- set_run_info()
#' prep_data(run_info,
#' input_data = data_tbl,
#' combo_variables = c("id"),
#' target_variable = "value",
#' date_type = "month",
#' forecast_horizon = 3,
#' recipes_to_run = "R1"
#' )
#' prep_models(run_info,
#' models_to_run = c("arima", "ets"),
#' num_hyperparameters = 1
#' )
#' prepped_models_tbl <- get_prepped_models(run_info = run_info)
#' }
#' @export
get_prepped_models <- function(run_info) {
# check input values
check_input_type("run_info", run_info, "list")
# get prepped model info
data_path <- paste0(
"/prep_models/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
train_test_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(data_path, "-train_test_split.", run_info$data_output)
model_hyperparameters_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(data_path, "-model_hyperparameters.", run_info$object_output)
model_workflows_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = paste0(data_path, "-model_workflows.", run_info$object_output)
final_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Type = c("Model_Workflows", "Model_Hyperparameters", "Train_Test_Splits"),
Data = list(model_workflows_tbl, model_hyperparameters_tbl, train_test_tbl)
#' Hash run info in file name
#' @param x object to hash
#' @return hashed value
#' @noRd
hash_data <- function(x) {
digest::digest(object = x, algo = "xxhash64")
#' Write data outputs to disk
#' @param x object to write to disk
#' @param combo name of time series combo
#' @param run_info run info using [set_run_info()]
#' @param output_type type of data output written to disk
#' @param folder file path where outputs are written
#' @param suffix suffix value to add on the end of the file name
#' @return Object written to disk.
#' @noRd
write_data <- function(x,
folder = NULL,
suffix = NULL) {
if (output_type == "data") {
file_type <- run_info$data_output
} else if (output_type == "log") {
file_type <- "csv"
} else {
file_type <- run_info$object_output
if (is.null(combo)) {
combo_hash <- NULL
} else {
combo_hash <- paste0("-", hash_data(combo))
# write to temp folder
temp_path <- NULL
if (inherits(run_info$storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive")) ||
(inherits(run_info$storage_object, "NULL") & is.null(run_info$path))) {
fs::dir_create(tempdir(), folder)
temp_path <- paste0(fs::path(tempdir(), folder), "\\", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), combo_hash, suffix, ".", file_type)
write_data_type(x, temp_path, file_type)
# write to final folder output
if (inherits(run_info$storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive", "NULL")) & !is.null(run_info$path)) {
if (is.null(run_info$storage_object)) {
fs::dir_create(run_info$path, folder)
final_path <- paste0(fs::path(run_info$path, folder), "/", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-", hash_data(run_info$run_name), combo_hash, suffix, ".", file_type)
#' Write object in specific file format
#' @param x object to write to disk
#' @param folder file path where outputs are written
#' @param type type of data output written to disk
#' @return Object written to disk.
#' @noRd
write_data_type <- function(x,
type) {
if (type == "csv") {
if (nrow(x) == 1) {
type <- "log"
rds = saveRDS(x, path),
parquet = arrow::write_parquet(x, path),
csv = vroom::vroom_write(x, path, delim = ",", progress = FALSE),
log = utils::write.csv(x, path, row.names = FALSE),
qs = qs::qsave(x, path)
#' Write object final storage destination
#' @param x object to write to disk
#' @param storage_object storage object used to write to azure
#' @param final_dest final file destination
#' @param temp_path temporary file destination
#' @param final_path final folder path
#' @param type type of data output written to disk
#' @return Object written to disk.
#' @noRd
write_data_folder <- function(x,
type) {
options(azure_storage_progress_bar = FALSE)
"NULL" = write_data_type(x, final_path, type),
blob_container = AzureStor::storage_upload(storage_object, src = temp_path, dest = final_path),
ms_drive = storage_object$upload_file(src = temp_path, dest = final_path)
#' List files to either download up upload
#' @param storage_object storage object used to write to azure
#' @param path file destination
#' @return List of file names with path
#' @noRd
list_files <- function(storage_object,
path) {
if (fs::path_dir(path) %in% c("/prep_data", "/prep_models", "/models", "/logs", "/forecasts")) {
fs::dir_create(tempdir(), fs::path_dir(path))
dir <- fs::path_dir(paste0(tempdir(), path))
file <- fs::path_file(path)
} else {
dir <- fs::path_dir(path)
file <- fs::path_file(path)
files <- switch(class(storage_object)[[1]],
"NULL" = if (grepl("*", file, fixed = TRUE)) {
fs::dir_ls(path = dir, glob = file)
} else {
ms_drive = storage_object$list_files(dir) %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(utils::glob2rx(file), name)) %>% dplyr::pull(name),
blob_container = tryCatch(
AzureStor::list_storage_files(storage_object, dir) %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(utils::glob2rx(path), name)) %>% dplyr::pull(name),
error = function(e) {
#' Download file
#' @param storage_object Object for writing data to Azure
#' @param path file path
#' @param folder specific folder finnts writes outputs to
#' @return file is downloaded
#' @noRd
download_file <- function(storage_object,
folder) {
options(azure_storage_progress_bar = FALSE)
fs::dir_create(tempdir(), folder)
dest_path <- fs::path(tempdir(), folder)
if (inherits(storage_object, c("ms_drive", "NULL"))) {
files <- list_files(storage_object, path)
blob_container = if (grepl("*", fs::path_file(path), fixed = TRUE)) {
AzureStor::storage_multidownload(storage_object, src = path, dest = dest_path, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
AzureStor::storage_download(storage_object, src = path, dest = paste0(dest_path, "/", fs::path_file(path)), overwrite = TRUE)
ms_drive = for (file in files) {
storage_object$download_file(src = fs::path(fs::path_dir(path), file), dest = paste0(dest_path, "/", fs::path_file(file)), overwrite = TRUE)
#' Write object final storage destination
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @param path file path
#' @param file_list files
#' @param return_type type of data output read
#' @param schema column schema for arrow::open_dataset()
#' @return file read into memory
#' @noRd
read_file <- function(run_info,
path = NULL,
file_list = NULL,
return_type = "df",
schema = NULL) {
storage_object <- run_info$storage_object
if (!is.null(path)) {
folder <- fs::path_dir(path)
initial_path <- run_info$path
file <- fs::path_file(path)
if (!is.null(file_list)) {
files <- file_list
} else if (inherits(storage_object, c("blob_container", "ms_drive"))) {
download_file(storage_object, fs::path(initial_path, path), folder)
final_path <- fs::path(tempdir(), folder)
files <- list_files(NULL, fs::path(final_path, file))
} else if (is.null(run_info$path)) {
final_path <- fs::path(tempdir(), folder)
files <- list_files(storage_object, fs::path(final_path, file))
} else {
files <- list_files(storage_object, fs::path(initial_path, path))
if (!is.null(file_list)) {
file_temp <- files[[1]]
file_ext <- fs::path_ext(file_temp)
} else if (fs::path_ext(file) == "*") {
file_temp <- files[[1]]
file_ext <- fs::path_ext(file_temp)
} else {
file_ext <- fs::path_ext(file)
if (return_type == "df") {
rds = files %>% purrr::map_dfr(readRDS),
parquet = files %>% purrr::map_dfr(function(path) {
csv = tryCatch(
vroom::vroom(files, show_col_types = FALSE, altrep = FALSE, delim = ","),
error = function(e) {
files %>%
purrr::map(function(path) {
read.csv(path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>%
plyr::rbind.fill() %>%
qs = qs::qread(path)
} else if (return_type == "sdf") {
parquet = tryCatch(
sparklyr::spark_read_parquet(sc, path = fs::path(initial_path, path) %>% stringr::str_replace("/dbfs", "")),
error = function(e) {
sparklyr::spark_read_parquet(sc, path = fs::path(initial_path, path) %>% stringr::str_replace("/synfs", "synfs:"))
csv = tryCatch(
sparklyr::spark_read_csv(sc, path = fs::path(initial_path, path) %>% stringr::str_replace("/dbfs", "")),
error = function(e) {
sparklyr::spark_read_csv(sc, path = fs::path(initial_path, path) %>% stringr::str_replace("/synfs", "synfs:"))
} else if (return_type == "arrow") {
parquet = arrow::open_dataset(
sources = files,
format = "parquet",
schema = schema,
skip = ifelse(is.null(schema), 0, 1)
csv = arrow::open_dataset(
sources = files,
format = "csv",
schema = schema,
skip = ifelse(is.null(schema), 0, 1)
} else if (return_type == "object") {
#' Load recipe data into memory
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @param combo how much recipe data to ready into memory
#' @return recipe data as data frame
#' @noRd
get_recipe_data <- function(run_info,
combo = "single") {
get_combo <- function(df,
combo) {
if (combo == "single") {
df %>%
dplyr::filter(Combo == .$Combo[[1]])
} else if (combo == "All-Data") {
} else {
df %>%
dplyr::filter(Combo == combo)
recipe_tbl <- tibble::tibble()
file_name_tbl <- list_files(
run_info$path, "/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*R*.", run_info$data_output
) %>%
Path = .,
File = fs::path_file(.)
) %>%
tidyr::separate(File, into = c("Experiment", "Run", "Combo", "Recipe"), sep = "-", remove = TRUE) %>%
get_combo(combo) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Recipe = substr(Recipe, 1, 2))
for (recipe in unique(file_name_tbl$Recipe)) {
temp_path <- file_name_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(Recipe == recipe)
if (nrow(temp_path) > 1) {
temp_path <- paste0(
"/prep_data/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*", recipe, ".", run_info$data_output
} else {
temp_path <- temp_path %>%
temp_path <- switch(class(run_info$storage_object)[[1]],
"NULL" = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
blob_container = gsub(fs::path(run_info$path), "", temp_path),
ms_drive = fs::path("/prep_data/", temp_path)
temp_file_tbl <- read_file(run_info,
path = temp_path,
return_type = "df"
temp_final_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
Recipe = recipe,
Data = list(temp_file_tbl)
recipe_tbl <- rbind(recipe_tbl, temp_final_tbl)
#' Condense forecast output files into less files
#' @param run_info run info using the [set_run_info()] function
#' @param parallel_processing type of parallel processing to run
#' @param num_cores number of cores to use
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
condense_data <- function(run_info,
parallel_processing = NULL,
num_cores = NULL) {
# get initial list of files to condense
initial_file_list <- list_files(
run_info$path, "/forecasts/*", hash_data(run_info$experiment_name), "-",
hash_data(run_info$run_name), "*_models.", run_info$data_output
# Initialize an empty list to store the batches
list_of_batches <- list()
# Define the batch size
batch_size <- 10000
# Calculate the number of batches needed
num_batches <- ceiling(length(initial_file_list) / batch_size)
# Loop through the large list and create batches
for (i in 1:num_batches) {
start_index <- (i - 1) * batch_size + 1
end_index <- min(i * batch_size, length(initial_file_list))
batch_name <- paste0("batch_", i)
list_of_batches[[batch_name]] <- initial_file_list[start_index:end_index]
# parallel run info
par_info <- par_start(
run_info = run_info,
parallel_processing = parallel_processing,
num_cores = min(length(names(list_of_batches)), num_cores),
task_length = length(names(list_of_batches))
cl <- par_info$cl
packages <- par_info$packages
`%op%` <- par_info$foreach_operator
# submit tasks
condense_data_tbl <- foreach::foreach(
batch = names(list_of_batches),
.combine = "rbind",
.packages = packages,
.errorhandling = "stop",
.verbose = FALSE,
.inorder = FALSE,
.multicombine = TRUE,
.noexport = NULL
) %op% {
files <- list_of_batches[[batch]]
data <- read_file(run_info,
file_list = files,
return_type = "df"
x = data,
combo = batch,
run_info = run_info,
output_type = "data",
folder = "forecasts",
suffix = "-condensed"
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