Man pages for mikelove/tximeta
Transcript Quantification Import with Automatic Metadata

addCDSAdd CDS to rowRanges of a transcript-level...
addExonsAdd exons to rowRanges of a transcript-level...
addIdsAdd IDs to rowRanges of a SummarizedExperiment
getTximetaBFCGet or set the directory of the BiocFileCache used by tximeta
linkedTxomeMake and load linked transcriptomes ("linkedTxome")
makeDGEListMake a DGEList from tximeta output
retrieveCDNARetrieve the cDNA transcript sequence for a...
retrieveDbRetrieve the TxDb or EnsDb associated with a...
splitSESplit SummarizedExperiment by gene categories
summarizeToGeneSummarize estimated quantitites to gene-level
tximetaImport transcript quantification with metadata
tximeta-packageImport transcript quantification with metadata
mikelove/tximeta documentation built on Feb. 4, 2025, 8:36 a.m.