
Defines functions fipL1 dlcvL1 dlcvInnerL1Glmnet

Documented in dlcvInnerL1Glmnet dlcvL1 fipL1

#' L1 tidymodels
#' param folds
#' param wf
#' param hp_grid
#' param v
#' param r
#' return
#' export
# dlcvInnerL1Tidy <- function(folds, wf, hp_grid, v = 10, r = 1) {
#   inner_folds <- vfold_cv(folds %>% analysis(),
#                           v = v,
#                           repeats = r,
#                           strata = y)
#   tune_res <- tune_grid(wf,
#                         resamples = inner_folds,
#                         grid = hp_grid)
#   return(select_best(tune_res, metric = "roc_auc") %>%
#            left_join(show_best(tune_res, metric = "roc_auc") %>%
#                        select(.config, mean),
#                      by = ".config"))
# }

#' Double Loop Cross Validation L1 Glmnet
#' L1 hyper parameter optimization within the inner loop with R glmnet package.
#' @param folds Folds
#' @param features Features
#' @param lambda "min" or "1se"
#' @return
#' @export
dlcvInnerL1Glmnet <- function(folds, features = NA, lambda = "min") {
  if(!all(is.na(features))) {
    cv_glmnet <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = folds %>%
                                     analysis() %>%
                                     select(all_of(features)) %>%
                                   y = folds %>%
                                     analysis() %>%
                                     mutate(y = if_else(y == "1", 1, 0)) %>%
                                   family = "binomial",
                                   type.measure = "auc")
  } else {
    cv_glmnet <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = folds %>%
                                     analysis() %>%
                                     select(all_of(features)) %>%
                                   y = folds %>%
                                     analysis() %>%
                                     mutate(y = if_else(y == "1", 1, 0)) %>%
                                   family = "binomial",
                                   type.measure = "auc")

  if(lambda == "min") {
    res <- tibble(penalty = cv_glmnet$lambda.min,
                  mean = cv_glmnet$cvm[which(cv_glmnet$lambda %in% cv_glmnet$lambda.min)],
                  n_features = cv_glmnet$nzero[cv_glmnet$index[1,1]])
  } else if(lambda == "1se") {
    res <- tibble(penalty = cv_glmnet$lambda.1se,
                  mean = cv_glmnet$cvm[which(cv_glmnet$lambda %in% cv_glmnet$lambda.1se)],
                  n_features = cv_glmnet$nzero[cv_glmnet$index[2,1]])


#' Double Loop Cross Validation L1
#' Double Loop Cross Validation with features selected in the inner loop with either one of the following functions:
#' - dlcvInnerL1Tidy
#' - dlcvInnerL1Glmnet
#' @param folds rsample object with either group V-fold  or the standard V-fold cross validation folds
#' @param rec recipes recipe used for training
#' @param features vetor of features
#' @return
#' @export
dlcvL1 <- function(folds, rec, features) {
  # Model
  l1_spec <- logistic_reg(penalty = tune(),
                          mixture = 1.0) %>%
    set_engine("glmnet") %>%
    set_mode(mode = "classification")

  # Workflow
  l1_workflow <- workflow() %>%
    add_recipe(rec) %>%

  # Hyperparameter grid
  # l1_hp_grid <- grid_regular(penalty(c(0.0, 1.0)),
  #                            levels = 3)
  # l1_hp_grid <- tibble(penalty = 10^seq(-2, -1, length.out = 10))

  # Tidy
  # tictoc::tic()
  # l1_tidy_folds <- folds %>%
  #   mutate(best_model = map(splits, ~ dlcvInnerL1Tidy(folds = .x, wf = l1_workflow, hp_grid = l1_hp_grid)),
  #          final_wf = map2(splits, best_model, ~ l1_workflow %>%
  #                            finalize_workflow(.y) %>%
  #                            fit(analysis(.x))),
  #          map2_dfr(splits, final_wf, dlcvOuter))
  # tictoc::toc()
  # 24 sec

  # glmnet
  # tictoc::tic()
  # l1_1se_folds <- folds %>%
  #   mutate(best_model = map(splits, ~ dlcvInnerL1Glmnet(folds = .x, lambda = "1se")),
  #          final_wf = map2(splits, best_model, ~ l1_workflow %>%
  #                            finalize_workflow(.y) %>%
  #                            fit(analysis(.x))),
  #          map2_dfr(splits, final_wf, dlcvOuter))
  # tictoc::toc()
  # 70 sec

  # l1 min
  l1_min_folds <- folds %>%
    mutate(best_model = map(splits, ~ dlcvInnerL1Glmnet(folds = .x, features = features, lambda = "min")),
           final_wf = map2(splits, best_model, ~ l1_workflow %>%
                             finalize_workflow(.y) %>%
           map2_dfr(splits, final_wf, dlcvOuter))

  l1_min_folds <- l1_min_folds %>%


#' Feature importance L1 DLCV
#' Visualize feature importance of the L1 DLCV results
#' @param x DLCV l1 object generated by the dlcvL1 function
#' @param plot Boolean to visualise plot
#' @param min_n Minimal number of folds to visualise
#' @param y_nudge Nudge y coordinate to visualise number of times features was selected in fold.
#' @return Tibble with the feature importances and number of times selected in folds.
#' @export
fipL1 <- function(x, plot = T, min_n = 0, y_nudge = NULL) {

  # Compare penalty results tidy and glmnet
  res <- tibble(method = rep(c("glmnet_1se"#,
  ), each = nrow(x))) %>%
    bind_cols(bind_rows(#l1_tidy_folds %>%
      #  select(id, best_model) %>%
      #  unnest(best_model) %>%
      #  select(-.config),
      # l1_1se_folds %>%
      #   select(id, best_model) %>%
      #   unnest(best_model),
      x %>%
        select(id, best_model) %>%

  ggplot(res, aes(x = penalty, y = mean, colour = method)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1))

  # Compare number of selected features
  res <- tibble(method = rep(c("glmnet_1se"# , "glmnet_min"
  ), each = nrow(x))) %>%
    bind_cols(bind_rows(#l1_tidy_folds %>%
      #select(id, best_model) %>%
      #unnest(best_model) %>%
      # l1_1se_folds %>%
      #   select(id, best_model) %>%
      #   unnest(best_model),
      x %>%
        select(id, best_model) %>%

  # l1_folds <- l1_glmnet_folds
  ggplot(res, aes(x = method, y = n_features)) +
  # scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1))

  # Compute feature coefficients and
  x <- x %>%
    mutate(coef_estimates = map(final_wf, ~ {
      .x %>%
        extract_fit_parsnip() %>%
        tidy() %>%
        transmute(feature = term,
                  estimate = -estimate) %>% # tidymodels bug
        arrange(-estimate) %>%
        filter(estimate != 0.0 & feature != "(Intercept)")

  # Count features
  l1_min_feature_count <- x %>%
    select(coef_estimates) %>%
    unnest(coef_estimates) %>%
    with_groups(feature, nest) %>%
    mutate(n = map_dbl(data, nrow),
           mean_coef = map_dbl(data, ~ mean(.x$estimate))) %>%
    filter(n >= min_n) %>%

  # Plot
  if(plot) {
    if(is.null(y_nudge)) {
      y_nudge <- max(l1_min_feature_count$mean_coef) +

    p <- l1_min_feature_count %>%
      mutate(feature = factor(feature, levels = l1_min_feature_count$feature)) %>%
      unnest(data) %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = feature, y = estimate)) +
      geom_boxplot(aes(y = estimate)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_label(mapping = aes(x = feature, y = y_nudge, label = n)) +
      labs(x = "Feature",
           y = "Importance (coefficient)") +


mikeniemant/nbs documentation built on June 23, 2022, 4:52 a.m.