openTSNE: openTSNE An R wrapper for the openTSNE Python module found at...

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openTSNER Documentation

openTSNE An R wrapper for the openTSNE Python module found at



An R wrapper for the openTSNE Python module found at


  n_components = 2,
  perplexity = 30,
  learning_rate = 100,
  early_exaggeration_iter = 250,
  early_exaggeration = 12,
  n_iter = 750,
  exaggeration = NULL,
  theta = 0.5,
  n_interpolation_points = 3,
  min_num_intervals = 10,
  ints_in_interval = 2,
  initialization = "pca",
  metric = "euclidean",
  metric_params = NULL,
  initial_momentum = 0.5,
  final_momentum = 0.8,
  n_jobs = NULL,
  neighbors = "exact",
  negative_gradient_method = "fft",
  callbacks = NULL,
  callbacks_every_iters = 50,
  random_state = NULL



A variable by observation data frame


The dimension of the embedding space. Default: 2


Perplexity can be thought of as the continuous :math:"k" number of neighbors to consider for each data point. To avoid confusion, note that perplexity linearly impacts runtime. Default: 30


The learning rate for the t-SNE optimization steps. Typical values range from 1 to 1000. Setting the learning rate too low or too high may result in the points forming a "ball". This is also known as the crowding problem. Default: 100


The number of iterations to run in the *early exaggeration* phase. Default: 250


The early exaggeration factor. Typical values range from 12 to 32, however larger values have also been found to work well with specific values of learning rate. Default: 12


The number of iterations to run in the normal optimization regime. Default: 750


The exaggeration factor to be used during the normal optmimization phase. Standard implementation don't use this exaggeration and it typically isn't necessary for smaller data sets, but it has been shown that for larger data sets, using some exaggeration is necessary in order to obtain good embeddings. Default: NULL


Only used when "negative_gradient_method='bh'" or its other aliases. This is the trade-off parameter between speed and accuracy of the tree approximation method. Typical values range from 0.2 to 0.8. The value 0 indicates that no approximation is to be made and produces exact results also producing longer runtime. Default: 0.5


Only used when "negative_gradient_method='fft'" or its other aliases. The number of interpolation points to use within each grid cell for interpolation based t-SNE. It is highly recommended leaving this value at the default 3 as otherwise the interpolation may suffer from the Runge phenomenon. Theoretically, increasing this number will result in higher approximation accuracy, but practically, this can also be done with the "ints_in_interval" parameter, which does not suffer from the Runge phenomenon and should always be preferred. Default: 3


Only used when "negative_gradient_method='fft'" or its other aliases. The interpolation approximation method splits the embedding space into a grid, where the number of grid cells is governed by "ints_in_interval". Sometimes, especially during early stages of optimization, that number may be too small, and we may want better accuracy. The number of intervals used will thus always be at least the number specified here. Note that larger values will produce more precise approximations but will have longer runtime. Default: 10


Only used when "negative_gradient_method='fft'" or its other aliases. Since the coordinate range of the embedding changes during optimization, this value tells us how many integers should appear in a single e.g. setting this value to 3 means that the intervals will appear as follows: [0, 3), [3, 6), ... Lower values will need more intervals to fill the space, e.g. 1.5 will produce 4 intervals [0, 1.5), [1.5, 3), ... Therefore lower values will produce more intervals, producing more interpolation points which in turn produce better approximation at the cost of longer runtime. Default: 2


The initial point positions to be used in the embedding space. Can be a precomputed numpy array, "pca" or "random". Please note that when passing in a precomputed positions, it is highly recommended that the point positions have small variance (var(Y) < 0.0001), otherwise you may get poor embeddings. Default: 'pca'


The metric to be used to compute affinities between points in the original space. Default: 'euclidean'


Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. Default: NULL


t-SNE optimization uses momentum for faster convergence. This value controls the momentum used during the *early optimization* phase. Default: 0.5


t-SNE optimization uses momentum for faster convergence. This value controls the momentum used during the normal regime and *late exaggeration* phase. Default: 0.5


The number of jobs to run in parallel. This follows the scikit-learn convention, "-1" meaning all processors, "-2" meaning all but one processor and so on. Default: all cores.


Specifies the nearest neighbor method to use. Can be either "exact" or "approx". "exact" uses space partitioning binary trees from scikit-learn while "approx" makes use of nearest neighbor descent. Note that "approx" has a bit of overhead and will be slower on smaller data sets than exact search. Default: 'exact'


Specifies the negative gradient approximation method to use. For smaller data sets, the Barnes-Hut approximation is appropriate and can be set using one of the following aliases: "bh", "BH" or "barnes-hut". Note that the time complexity of Barnes-Hut scales as (N log N). For larger data sets, the FFT accelerated interpolation method is more appropriate and can be set using one of the following aliases: "fft", "FFT" or "ìnterpolation". Note that this method scales linearly in the number of points O(N) and its complexity is governed by the number of interpolation points. Default: 'fft'


We can pass callbacks, that will be run every "callbacks_every_iters" iterations. Each callback should accept three parameters, the first is the current iteration number, the second is the current KL divergence error and the last is the current embedding. The callback may return "True" in order to stop the optimization. Default: NULL


How many iterations should run between each time a callback is invoked. Default: 50


The random state parameter follows the convention used in scikit-learn. If the value is an int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator. If the value is a RandomState instance, then it will be used as the random number generator. If the value is None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by "np.random". Default: NULL


data.frame with tSNE coordinates

milescsmith/ReductionWrappers documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 10:24 a.m.